The mysterious “black hole” of the Pacific is a great island

by Andrea
The mysterious “black hole” of the Pacific is a great island

The mysterious “black hole” of the Pacific is a great island

Vostok Island

Recently, the image of a supposed “black hole” in the middle of the Pacific Ocean – which generated fake news and bizarre rumors about its origin. After all, it is just a small island with incredibly dense tree coverage.

The impressive satellite image captured by the bizarre and black triangular structure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

It was widely described as a “black hole”, giving rise to false theories that it would be a deep well under the planet or an ultra-secret military base.

After all, it was just the Vostok Island.

As described, the apparently black of this island is the result of Tree density Pisoniawhich almost completely fill the interior of the island. In fact, these trees are dark green, but in such a high concentration, they seem much darker from the low orbit of the earth.

Vostok was discovered by Russian explorers in 1820, but has no evidence that he was ever inhabited by humans.

It is one of the 33 masses of land that constitute the Republic of Kiribati in the South Pacific. It has an area of ​​only 0.25 kilometers (km) square and is located about 6,000 km east of Australia.

Treacherous pods “purely”

As the pisonia trees explain grow so close to each other that block the light and often prevent any other tree or plant species from creating roots between them. In addition, this climate is conducive to the appearance and growth of sticky seed pods.

This environment can be fatal. This is because dense foliage attracts several sea birds.

On the one hand, this is good, because it allows birds to cover the pods of these sticky seeds, thus helping to disperse them to other islands.

However, sometimes some birds are so stuck in the padges of pisonia that they end up stuck and die.

As a result, the Vostok Island hides a vast and hideous bird cemeteries.

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