Hadi kill, of Lebanese origin, has been declared this Friday guilty of trying to kill the writer Salman Rushdie in August 2022, during a literary act north of New York. The jury has also found to kill, 27, a crime of aggression for hurting Henry Reese, the host of the act, sitting next to the writer and tried to prevent the attack. The sentence is scheduled for April 23.
The jury has needed less than two hours of deliberations in the Chautauqua County Court, where the trial has been developed and that is a few kilometers from the place where to kill tried to end the life of the author of satanic verses, the novel considered blasphemous by the Iranian regime and that earned Rushdie a Fatua in 1989.
Kill broke up abruptly into the stage of the Chautauqua Institution, where Rushdie, sitting in the semicircle with other participants, was going to give a conference precisely about the refuge of writers persecuted on August 12, 2022. The aggressor stabbed more than a dozen of times to the Angloindian writer before the audience. The attack left the right -year -old novelist blind from the right eye.
Rushdie has been the main witness, in which he described with great detail how he lived the attempted murder, as well as his long and painful recovery. The memory of what happened was especially vivid, in describing how a person dressed in dark clothes pounced on him suddenly from his right, to “stab and stab” repeatedly, a total of 15 times.
Remembering the event, Rushdie said he was impressed by the aggressor’s eyes, “they were dark and seemed very fierce.” First he thought they had been a punched, before realizing that they had stabbed him in the right jaw and neck. He suffered wounds in his eye, cheek, neck, chest, torso and thigh.
Killing, from Chií religion as the ayatolás who direct Iran and who issued fatua against Rushdie, has also been investigated for its alleged links with the Chií Míí Lebanese Hezbollah, which appears on the list of terrorist organizations of the United States European During the trial, killing he shouted against Israel and described him as an murderous state.
The writer, gentleman of the order of the British empire, spent several years hidden and under protection after publishing his fourth book, Satanic versesa fictional story inspired by the life of the prophet Muhammad so as not to offer white to those who aspire to fulfill the Fatua, decreed by the then leader of Iran, the Ayatolá Ruholá Jomeini. That religious decree was theoretically without effect in 1998, when the Iranian theocracy declared that it would not apply the order or encourage anyone to do so, although it turned out to be a half truth, because in 2022. Tehran’s government denied any relationship with the aggressor.