The woman noticed a strange thing on the statue of the Virgin Mary: she started crying blood!? Scientists revealed the truth

by Andrea

There are a number of biblical stories that They talk about supernatural phenomena and various unexplained events. One of them took place a few years ago, when a woman named Gisella Cardia spoke about her statue of the Virgin Mary to cry blood. ., ‘ Recent DNA test results according to scientists reveal what actually happened.

Gisella bought Gisella in 2016 The statue of the Virgin Mary in the sacred place of Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina and took it home with her home to Trevignano Romano in Italy.

Although you did not notice anything special at first, Soon the subject started to do unusual things. Gisella said the statue was crying blood and handing over various messages. Given her The alleged supernatural abilities were learned by a number of people who came to its portrait. Many believers He so convinced that the owner began to hand over a number of financial and material gifts.

However, since 2023, Gisella has been facing charges of fraud by the prosecutor’s office after being found that blood on the statue was not actually supernatural. Under investigation were taken from the subject of the DNA signs and the results were recently published.

Although the first set of results confirmed that Blood belonged to a human woman, no further details were not published. but Scientists have confirmed that laboratory tests found in the blood on the statue of traces of Gisell’s DNA.

Her lawyer Solange Marchignoli, however considers that this may not confirm the falseness of the whole case. She claims that everything depends on whether the bottom is single -profile or mixed, so she called for further tests.

“From a scientific point of view DNA sample deserves additional examination. If she is simple, it means she belongs to the mandator and she put it there. But if the profile is mixed, It means that blood on the statue also contains Gisellin DNA, which we expect because it used it, kissed it and manipulated it“she explained.

DNA results got to the public after Civita Castellana diocesa conducted its own investigation of this matter. In a statement of May 2024, they revealed a shocking finding.

“After a reasonable examination, after hearing testimonies from the diocese territory and Using a commission of mariologist, theologian, canonist and psychologist experts. After considering the character of Mary in the tradition of the Church and after the fervent prayer We declare that the events in question are not supernatural“they said on behalf of Bishop Marc Salvi.


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