“André Censorship” alone on “useless afternoon”: Montenegro explained everything?

by Andrea
“André Censorship” alone on “useless afternoon”: Montenegro explained everything?

Miguel A. Lopes/Lusa

“André Censorship” alone on “useless afternoon”: Montenegro explained everything?

The Prime Minister, Luis Montenegro during the debate of the censorship motion to the government, presented by the arrival

MOTION OF SHOCKED censorship in the afternoon of attacks. What would the PSD say about “contaminated” soils? “I exposed my personal, professional and even familiar life in a way I have never seen anyone to do,” said the prime minister.

The motion of censorship to the government, presented by the arrival, was sloop in the Assembly of the Republic with the abstention of the PCP and favorable votes of the proponent party. PSD, CDS-PP, PS, IL, BE, Free and Pan voted against. The deputy not registered Miguel Arruda, recently removed by arrival, voted in favor.

The motion, entitled “by the end of a government without integrity, led by a prime minister under serious suspicion”, originated in the situation of the company of which Luís Montenegro was a partner until June 2022 and who sold to his wife and children of both .

During the debate, all parties accused the arrival of having presented the motion of censorship in order to divert attention of those who have involved party members.

Real estate? Conflict of interest? “Absurd”

The Prime Minister considered “disregarded and one shot besideTo say that your family’s company is a real estate and also refused that your personal heritage could benefit from the so -called soil law.

Montenegro presented details about the Spinumvivacompany from which he was a partner until June 2022 and now belongs to his wife and their children and who is the origin of the party’s request led by André Ventura, and admitted that among the large corporate purpose of the company, created in 2021 For the work outside the law “involving the whole family”, it includes “the management and trade of real estate, lease and other forms of exploitation of the same agricultural, predominantly winemaker.”

Calling this a real estate is manifestly disregardedit is manifestly a shot beside it. And more, understanding that holding, directly or indirectly, participation in this society generates conflict of interest, by itself, is absurd”He considered.

Montenegro stressed that “Society has not even has any property” He added: “The real estate I have myself simply have no circumstances of framing the government’s legal changes to the soil,” he said.

“I have been the target of strange and violent attacks for years”

The prime minister also assured that, in his life, he always declared and paid everything he should, announced that he would distribute to the deputies the value of the income of his family aggregate for the past 15 years and challenged others to be so transparent.

“This motion of censorship is about the Prime Minister. It is about my professional and heritage life. It is about my character and my honor. For many years I have been the target of strange and violent attacks I never realized if they originated from pure wickedness, envy or the fright that someone could feel for presenting me so free and independent, ”he said.

“In my life I still declared everything I had to declare. I paid everything I had to pay. I clarified everything I had to clarify”He said.

“They know my heritage and its origin. You know my income. They know where I live. From today they even know what my personal and family strategy is. From today, I only answer those who are as transparent as me, that is, that he is able to do everything I did, ”he said, asking deputies to respect his dignity the mission entrusted to him as Prime Minister .

And the arrival deputies with real estate?

The social democratic parliamentary leader asked the president of the arrival how many deputies have in his bench with interests in the real estate and who debated the changes to the so-called Soil Law and associated André Ventura with Miguel Arruda.

Hugo Soares rejected the thesis of the conflict of interest in relation to Luís Montenegro and moved to the counterattackasking André Ventura how many deputies have in his bench with calls to the real estate sector.

As André Ventura did not answer Following this question, the president of the social democratic bench stated that he himself would deliver to the table of the Assembly of the Republic a document in which “the names of the deputies of the arrival” with interests in the real estate business are contained.

Hugo Soares also stated that the arrival motion of the arrival was in the background “a self -censorship motion ”, having as its origin Miguel Arrudafor theft of luggage at Lisbon airport and then moved as an independent deputy – and André Ventura as his “godfather”.

The second intervention of the PSD bench, of a total of 15 at this stage of the debate, deserved a rebuke on the part of the President of the Assembly of the Republic, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco: Isaura Morais called the President of Arri “André Censura”.

Later, journalists, Ventura said that “if there are conflicts of interest have to be declared and if there are participation in cases of conflicts of interest, participation has to cease. This is what is required for the government and for all deputies. ”

Arrives asks for confidence motion

The arrival challenged the government to present a motion of trust, after the PS said it would splash if it were presented, and the prime minister asked the party led by André Ventura that “Don’t make figures”. Montenegro also added that if he had applied for the leadership of the PSD in the 2019 internal elections, arrival president André Ventura, “was still in the PSD.”

Before, PS and arrives insisted on questioning the customers of Luís Montenegro’s family business, with socialist André Pinotes Batista to say that the prime minister had time to empty the question behind the censorship motion presented by arrival and defending that without being known customers the benches cannot inquire, after having said that the Medialivre media group was one of the customers.

Rui Afonso, from arrival, questioned the government leader about the reasons behind the inclusion of business consulting in the company’s Code of Activity Code, also the name of clients, who are the employees. Montenegro insisted that he cannot reveal the names of customers And in response to André Pinotes Batista, he said he did not expose the medialivre name publicly, and only referred to this question in response to the morning mail and the newspaper itself (which belongs to the medialivre) chose to disclose.

O Arrives is now prevented from presenting a new motion of censorship until mid-Septemberas sent by article 194 of the Constitution.

“I exposed my personal and family life”

The prime minister considered that he was “beyond the demandable” in his explanations of the family company and argued that he exposed sufficient arguments for the Portuguese to rely on his integrity.

“I gave all the clarifications, sincerely, that it is possible to provide and I think I was much further than what is required. I I exposed my personal, professional and even familiar life in a way I have never seen anyone do”Said the chief executive.

Luís Montenegro said he did not want any credit for this and did so to fulfill a principle: “It is not possible to head a government, it is not possible to lead a country with any cloud of suspicion about the Prime Minister’s suitability and integrity.”

The chief executive expressed his conviction that he exposed sufficient arguments so that “the Portuguese and the Portuguese can rely on the integrity of their prime minister.”

“But in all in all cases, if anyone has any information, if you have any fact that can question the first-minister’s integrity, ask the issue on its own place,” he challenged.

Soil law “increases the supply of accessible housing”

The social democrat also defended the soil law presented by the government, and which is under parliamentary appreciation, stressing that it reaches only “about 1% of rustic land in Portugal”. Montenegro insisted that the Government’s goal with the controversial Soil Law is to “increase the supply of affordable housing at moderate prices”.

“The government intended to give the municipal councils and municipal assemblies the possibility of concrete, in its territory, to identify contiguous rustic terrain to the consolidated urban nuclei, to be able to give them a prolongation of the urban network to have more capacity to offer land , reducing its price, imposing rules for the housing that was built there was available on the market at moderate costs for the regime to be applied, ”he said, in response to questions posed by the free and PCP, which contest this law.

Montenegro did not explain everything, says PS

PS parliamentary leader regretted that the prime minister did not provide all clarifications in Parliament about the family business and chose to “give irrelevant details of private life for an “apparent transparency”.

In the final stretch of the debate of the government’s censorship motion, Alexandra Leitão asked “three concrete questions, legally grounded” about three questions that accused the chief executive, Luís Montenegro, of not having answered in Parliament throughout the afternoon.

“Unfortunately, almost at the end of the debate, We continue to wait of these clarifications. Not because the Prime Minister has not chosen to give irrelevant details of his private life to certify apparent transparency. Transparency is to say what is relevant, not what irrelevant, ”he said.

The parliamentary leader of the PS asked Luís Montenegro – who despite having time has not chosen not to answer – if they were fulfilled “the declarative obligations” that imposes “the identification of public and private legal persons to whom the services were provided.” Alexandra Leitão also wanted to know if the Prime Minister was in “able to clarify if the contributory obligations, resulting in the framework of the tax transparency regime of professional law fiscal societies, was fulfilled, given that there is evidence of the practice of acts of Legal Consulting ”.

“The prime minister is able to clarify the terms in which legal consultancy services were provided that under the law of acts of the lawyers in force at date could only be provided by a company of lawyers,” he said.

“Useless afternoon” in Parliament. “What would the PSD” of the soil law “contaminated?

For Paulo Nuncio, from CDS, it was an “inefficient and useless” afternoon.

“This could have been a question to the Prime Minister in a biweekly debate. They want to insult people and scream imprisonment. This is your market, ”he shot,” The hypocrisy of those who come from a finger for everyone is unable to put their hands on the conscience. “

Ventura “comes with a spiked finger, when it should arrive with a rope around the neck, like Egas Monizto portray itself for everything that has happened in the arrival, ”he said.

“The soil law is contaminated, the deputy of Pan Inês de Sousa Real says.

“The prime minister has given an example of the municipality having to validate any disadvantage of the land, but in the case of the PM and the Secretary of State are already public adjudications for direct adjustment where the city councils were involved,” he says on loose tips that were being due to to clarify.

What would the PSD of opposition to the government’s PSD say? What would you say if you were the opposition leader, to the Prime Minister? ”Asked Mariana Mortágua, who stresses that the block she leads warned that the soil law was an open door for conflicts of interest, a“ wrong, wounded law law to the birth ”.

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