Recent data from Atlas Intel for CNN Brazil reveal that only, while 73% do not deposit credit in them. This decline in trust is not the result of chance; It directly reflects the actions and omissions of the leaders and members of these churches, which is often material, to the detriment of the central values of the Gospel.
Since 2018, CNT/MDA has already pointed to a retraction in the credibility of the Church – in line with both Catholics and Protestants. That year, 40.1% of respondents considered the most reliable institution in the country. This number fell to 34.3% in 2019 and parked by 25.8% in 2020, highlighting one.
In many congregations, the pulpit, which should be a space for reception and spiritual orientation, has become an extension of. In 2022, imposing political alignment as a religious requirement. Anyone who did not follow this guidance was seen as “spiritual deserter”, generating internal divisions and driving people away.
In addition to politicization, they further corrode the credibility of the institutions. The dissemination of irregular practices, deviations of resources and internal conflicts amplify the feeling that moral coherence was in the background.
It depends on the credibility of leaders and the quality of messages within congregations, according to researchers Paul Djupe and Jacob Neiheisel. When faith is instrumentalized so that this influence delegitimates, and the removal of members or sympathizers becomes inevitable.
It is important to recognize that many communities will continue to choose politicians in exchange for power, without any improvement in the quality of life of their supporters or surroundings. Each believer’s commitment must be, above all, with God and with the people under his care, not with the defense of the reputation of the “evangelicals.” Throughout the history of humanity, inside and outside Christianity, it was very badly committed in the name of some deity.
However, it is expected that there will be reflection in the media where change is possible. The recovery of confidence requires humility to recognize errors and willingness to change. Faith cannot be used as a currency of exchange, whether by political power, financial or emotional blessing. If some communities want to exercise one, they need to put God at the center of their mission.
Revising failures is the first step to overcome them. Recognizing that, it will be possible to work for a sincere approximation with the community, rescuing fundamental values such as honesty, solidarity and service. This is where churches can meet the path of public respect.
However, this does not mean that there is no room for people who – but other things – are religious in public life. It means that it is necessary to define an agenda that prioritizes not only the common good but what the Bible calls on: take care of the poor, the orphan, the widow, and the foreigner. Above particular interests or specific groups, even from other evangelicals.
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