After winter, the lawn is not in the best condition. The grass can be red, and moss appears among it. In this situation, it is worth helping her with a simple procedure, which is liming. It will improve the pH of the soil and stop the development of mosses and some weeds.
The best date for the application of the lawn is the turn of February and March. The soil is then moist after winter, and the grass has not yet started the growing season. This is a great time to get rid of moss, for which winter creates ideal conditions for development. Epaired now, it will not appear throughout the season.
Another reason for liming the lawn at this time is the use of nitrogen fertilizers. Between one treatment and the other you need to keep a few weeks break, because they endure their actions. Lime will first cope with moss and raise the pH of the soil, and after a few weeks, when the blades will grow, it will be time to use nitrogen. This element will make the green mass come very quickly.
Lawn liming is one of the simpler treatments. At the turn of February and March, stock up on lime. Then check the weather forecast, the treatment is best performed before the rain. Then scatter the lime evenly over the entire surface of the lawnnot exceeding the doses recommended by the manufacturer. If the forecasts do not anticipate rainfall, you can lightly water the grass so that the whole lime penetrates into the ground and that the wind does not spread it.
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There are several types of lime and products enriched with this element on the market. Generally speaking, They are divided into two types:
- carbonate lime (dolomite, fertilizer chalk) – it works slower, but is safe and is suitable for most lawns;
- Ompooling lime – raises the pH faster, but it is more aggressive and is used mainly on very sour soils.
Most often, carbonate lime is enough for lawns. Grass is quite resistant plants, adapted to our climate. However, if you have a typical forest plot, you may need to use oxygen lime, because the presence of coniferous trees acidifies the soil.
Fume limping will not only fight moss growing among grass, it will also cope with other acidophil weeds. In addition, the grass will absorb nutrients faster from the ground. It will also improve the soil structure and make useful organisms appear in it. For example, earthworms, natural soil lick -ups, need calcium like a rain kite to live.
Lime raises the pH of the soil, which in the case of grasses should not drop to 5.5 pH. It also neutralizes excess aluminum and manganese, which in too large quantities can harm plants. Lawn liming is a simple way to improve its appearance.