The Federal Public Prosecution Service (MPF) manifested itself for the extinction of a lawsuit filed in court by the federal deputy (PL-MG) who wants to block one that allocated resources to finance a survey of the NGO MY CHILD TRANS.
The amendment was presented by its colleague from Sâmia Bomfim (PSOL-SP) and made possible that the National Secretariat for Rights of Persons LGBTQIA+, of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, sent $ 120,000 to the entity.
In popular action, Nikolas argues that the destination of funds would be prohibited by the Budgetary Guidelines Law, as it would foster “actions that encourage children and adolescents to have various sexual options of biological sex.”
In its manifestation, the MPF says that there is no evidence of “injury to the treasury or violation of transparency rules in the destination of the amendment” and that “the acceptance of gender identity is not confused with the policy of encouraging sexual diversity in disguise with the non -compliance with biological sex “.
“To enable children and adolescents to be seen as complete human beings, with the right to fully participate in family and community life, without discrimination, only implies that everyone has equal opportunities to develop and live with dignity,” follows the organ.
The MPF therefore calls for the extinction of the popular action presented by Ferreira because there is no irregularity in the destination of amendments to the organization. The Attorney General of the Union (AGU) had already manifested in the process by filing the deputy’s action.
The value of the amendment will serve to “survey data on trans children and adolescents, to foster the development of public policies aimed at promoting and defending the rights of trans children and adolescents in the municipality of São Paulo”.
The entity is. The NGO is represented by lawyer Carlos Nicodemos.
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Lawyer Leonardo Sica assumed as president of (Brazilian Bar Association in Sao Paulo) in the new board of the entity. The event took place on Wednesday (19) in Sala São Paulo. The mayor of São Paulo, (MDB), and the national president of OAB, Beto Simonetti, passed by. The Secretary of Government and Institutional Relations of the State of São Paulo and national president of the PSD, the lawyer and former president of the Patricia Vanzolini institution were present.
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