Managing the personal budget can be a real challenge and unable to handle many consumers end up wasting money every month. Among the expenses that often go unnoticed are bank committees, which may represent a significant charge throughout the year.
The danger of inactive accounts
According to Deco Proteste calculations, each person may be paying about 70 euros annual only in bank committees. The problem gets worse when some accounts, even without balance, accumulate charges that can lead to negative balances. Over time, this situation can result in records in Banco de Portugal, making it difficult to access credit and other financial services.
To avoid these unnecessary costs, it is essential to analyze the conditions of the bank account well. Many people continue to pay bank committees when they could choose more advantageous alternatives. Knowing the available options can be the first step to saving.
What can you do to avoid unnecessary costs?
One of the most effective solutions is changing bank. However, this possibility is only available to those who do not have active credits at the current banking institution. Several banks charge maintenance commissions, but there are free alternatives.
According to, digital banks stand out for the exemption of charges and offer the same security as traditional institutions. The fact that they do not have a vast network of physical counters allow them to provide more competitive conditions to customers.
Are there banks without commissions?
Opt for banks like Activobank or Bankinter can represent significant savings as they allow the opening of accounts without maintenance costs. In addition, they provide complete mobile applications and multi -crowns without additional charges.
Not all institutions charge account maintenance committees, but some require payment of debit card annuity. This expense, although lower than regular committees, should be considered when choosing a bank.
What are minimum bank service accounts?
An interesting alternative is the minimum bank service account. It is an account to the order that offers access to a set of essential services at a reduced cost, being a viable option for those who want to reduce bank expenses.
Advantages of the minimum bank service account
With a cost of approximately 5 euros per year, the minimum bank service account allows you to perform various operations without the usual associated rates. Thus, holders can maintain an active account without unnecessary charges.
All banks are required to make this type of account available, which means customers do not need to change institutions to benefit from this solution. If they are satisfied with the current bank, they can simply request the change.
In addition to cost reduction, this account allows access to essential services such as transfers and surveys at no additional costs, making it a practical and accessible alternative to most users.
The importance of making an informed decision
Those who want to avoid charges should be aware of the conditions imposed by banks and compare different options before making a decision. Some institutions may offer additional advantages that compensate for any residual costs.
Avoiding negative balances and maintaining regular bank expenses is essential for good financial management. Small changes can make a big difference over time and contribute to a more balanced budget.
Choosing a proper bank can represent significant savings and avoid unpleasant surprises. With the options available on the market, each customer can find the solution most adjusted to their needs without compromising the quality of service.
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