When applying perfumes, we hope that he will accompany us all day. However, we often make a mistake that makes the aroma disappear quickly. So let’s know how to apply perfumes correctly and what to do to increase their durability.
To enjoy perfume durability, we must apply them properly. The most effective is Applying them directly to the skinbecause the smells are created so that they interact with the heat of the skin, which allows them to gradually develop. This makes The aroma becomes multidimensional and more personal.
It also results from the fact that Each of us has a unique skin smell that, in combination with perfumes, can create a unique mixture. It also means that the smell of perfumes on our body often differs from the smell in a bottle.
In order to extend perfume durability, we should apply them to the right places. They should be used for wrists, neck, area behind the ears and in elbow bends. It is also a mistake to rub the skin immediately after applying the perfume, because it destroys the structures of the fragrance.
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Many people also apply clothing perfumes. Using them in this way is a good solution for people who have sensitive or allergic skin. However, in this case they can ventilate much faster and will be imperceptible.
The exception are natural materials, i.e. wool, linen or cottonbecause they absorb fragrances and can keep them even for several days. We must also remember to apply perfumes from a distance of at least 20-30 cm so as not to leave stains on the clothes. Let’s also avoid spraying materials that are susceptible to discoloration.
In addition to applying the perfume, we can also make sure to extend their durability. It is enough We will use a simple trick, applying moisturizing balm to the skin before spraying it with perfumes.
Thanks to proper moisturizing, the skin will smell better, because when it is dry, it absorbs essential oils much faster and the composition of aromas escapes faster. It is best to choose a balm with a neutral smell or belonging to the same fragrance as our perfume. Thanks to this, the aromas will not argue with each other, and even complement themselves and become more intense.
Just massage the balm, wait a few minutes, and then reach for the perfume. This method is particularly helpful during the winter, because in cooler months our skin is more dry and requires hydration.