Mayor of Maricá (RJ) and vice president of, Washington Quaquá wants to give the president (PT) a copy of the book in which he puts the “ethical cleaning of the government” at the origin of the crisis that led to hers and culminated in the prison of the petista .
He intends to deliver during the celebration of the PT’s birthday on Saturday (22), in Rio de Janeiro.
Quaquá has been in recent days in the spotlight for asking for an investigation against the minister of racial equality, also affiliated with the party. He accuses the Lula government member of being responsible for. Anielle denies any irregularity.
The friction between the two began last month, when, pointed out as the mastermind of the murder of Anielle’s sister.
In his book “Dialogues with Utopia”, Quaquá states that “it was in the Dilma government that the fertilization of the criminalization of politics was cultivated and that the conditions for Lava Jato was created to try to destroy the country and dismantle the democratic and popular project conducted by Lula and PT “. The book discusses the Brazilian left strategy to build democratic socialism.
Elected in 2010 to succeed Lula, Dilma resigned six ministers still in her first year of government, after complaints of corruption, signaling that she would not tolerate ethical deviations.
The first dismissed was Antonio Palocci, then holder of the Civil House, dismissed after the Sheet revealing the sequence of layoffs was called “ethical cleaning.”
Although he claims that the impeachment of the former president represents a break in the democratic pact, Quaquá says the process was also the result of the lack of capacity of the Dilma government to achieve a majority in the House of Representatives, due to the stroke of relations with the center and a Alliance policy deliberately made to privilege a minority in Parliament.
According to him, what he calls the progress of laundry and the criminalization of politics had support at the Ministry of Justice and the Public Prosecution Service, whose commands had been appointed by the then president.
The leader also mentions an attempt on part of the left of letting President Lula be criminalized.
In the book, Quaquá states that it was assembled with collaboration and the parcimonia of the PT and the Dilma government. “Because we must not forget that President Lula’s mattress was overturned, and his grandson’s little computer was taken from his home, invaded by the Dilma government, led by Justice Minister José Eduardo Cardoso until March 29, 2016,” he wrote .
The book criticizes what he called “Lacerdist left” or “Udenist”, which, according to him, projected the image that Dilma would be on Lula’s left and that there was complacency with the governments prior to hers.
“Fact is that this logic of ‘ethical cleaning’, led by the Dilma Rousseff government on the grounds of response to popular outcry for integrity and transparency in public administration, was captured and explored by the media and the economic elite, becoming an instrument To weaken leftist political forces. Still, the left insists on falling into the false moralism of resentful business and middle class, where many of our paintings have originated, “he says.
Criticizing the abandonment of alliance policy inaugurated in the Lula administration, Quaquá defends the need for the PT to lead a broad bloc, including the Center and sectors of the national business community.
Controversial, Quaquá criticizes the emphasis on “behavioral guidelines” over economic and social issues. He argues that the modern left, focusing on identity guidelines, has been away from the working class and lost focus on class struggle. He defends the need for PT to resume contact with the peripheries and popular classes, where the reception to these guidelines is negative.
For Quaquá, the PT needs to adapt to new times, recognizing the change in the structure of the working class and the need for a national project that goes beyond Lulism. He proposes that the party becomes the “Guardian of Lulism”, consolidating a long -term project for Brazil, focusing on social justice and economic and technological development.