What led Pablo Marçal to become ineligible? Understand

by Andrea

Pablo Marçal (PRTB) became ineligible on the night of Friday (21), after decision of the Electoral Court of São Paulo, who ordered the entrepreneur to eight years of ineligibility for abuse of economic and political power, misuse of means of means of social communication and illicit fundraising.

Marçal was a candidate for the city of São Paulo in the 2024 municipal elections and finished the dispute in third place with a total of 1,719,274 of votes (28.14% of the valid votes), not reaching the second round.

The decision to make Marçal ineligible, from 2024, was by Judge Antonio Maria Patiño Zorz of the 1st Electoral Zone, who accepted two actions ,. With the decision of the Electoral Justice ,.

According to the magistrate, the businessman offered political support to boost the election campaign of councilor candidates through videos released on the internet. The disclosure would cost $ 5,000. These requests were made from videos published on social networks. In one of the recordings, Marçal said:

“I’m competing for an unfair election here where I don’t use public money and the ‘handsome’ spend $ 100 million to go misleading and here I want to ask you a question: you know someone who wants to be a councilman and is a candidate, who Don’t be left, okay, no need to warn. If this person is good and wants a video of mine to help boost her campaign you will send this video and talk bro, look here what opportunity, right? What will this person do? She will send a pix to my donation campaign, pix of five thousand. Made this donation, I send the video. You will click here on the form, clicked here on the form, register, the team will contact us. Tamo together, closed, you help here in Sao Paulo and I help from there. Let’s go to win this business. ”

Electoral Justice decision

According to Zorz, Marçal used the networks to disseminate fake news about the electoral collection system, as well as negative electoral propaganda.

“Defendant Pablo Marçal was shown to have offered political support through video to boost electoral campaign for councilor candidates [que não estivessem em partidos de esquerda] In exchange for donation of the amount of R $ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) for his election campaign, ”wrote Zorz.

“This is not allowed to use social network to disseminate ‘fake news’ about the party fund -based electoral collection system and to carry out negative electoral propaganda of opponents as follows the following excerpt from the defendant’s video“ (…) I’m competing To an unfair election here where I do not use public money and the handsome people spend 100 million reais to make misleading advertising, ”continued the magistrate.

Marçal’s deputy is acquitted

The candidate for deputy on the plate of Marçal, Antonia de Jesus (PRTB), who was also defendant in the actions analyzed by Zorz, was acquitted by the court.

For the judge, Antonia would be “mere beneficiary of the conduct” of Marçal and that there is no “indication that she had participated directly in the video” contested.

Antonia also responded for abuse of economic power, improper use of the media and illicit collection of resources.

What says Pablo Marçal

After the decision ,. According to him, his defense will appeal to the Electoral Court of São Paulo.

“I recorded thousands of political support videos for mayoral candidates and councilors across the country and I am at peace for not having made any video in exchange for financial support, as shown in the accountability presented to the Electoral Court,” said Marçal.

HAS CNNPaulo Hamilton Siqueira Jr., Legal Coordinator of Pablo Marçal’s campaign, said that “the probative content produced in the actions is not sufficient” to cause the entrepreneur’s ineligibility and that the appeal to the São Paulo Regional Electoral Court (TRE-SP) will bring “the necessary arguments” to reverse the decision.


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