The complaint against is solid. A with logic, richness of detail and historical rigor the conspiracy for the rupture of the constitutional order.
At least one symbolic detail in the narrative is missing: Ao, Bolsonaro signaled to camped followers and for the criminal organization that supports him, consisting of civil and military authorities (some not included in the list of accused), that the succession was not consummated. The blow did not work for reasons beyond his will.
Preventive arrest requirements are present. It is not abuse of power.
In addition to embarrassing criminal records of a lifetime (the terrorist youth, which ends the military career, the “little cracks”, the FHC shooting, the hideous offense to Maria do Rosario, the taste for torture, the jewelry, the falsehoods, the disabling of the pandemic), besides, also of the intrinsic severity of the crimes and the haunting network of evidence and evidence, Jair Bolsonaro will escape.
It is not enough to apprehend your passport to ensure the application of criminal law. For fear of being arrested (paranoid daydream, rehearsal or misinformation, it doesn’t matter), the former president lodged at the Hungary embassy in search of asylum at the 2024 carnival. In November, when he was indicted by, he warned that he feels persecuted and that does not rule out the refuge.
No judge would refuse the pre -trial detention of members of criminal organization, such as CCP or Red Command, in the face of such similar and explicit circumstances. Saving Bolsonaro, head of criminal political organization, is not justified.
The challenging phrase of the week has greater meaning than simple rudeness. Backed by the process, Bolsonaro tries to recompose herself from nods he addresses to Autocrat Trump. The plan has changed level and now the goal is not the melancholy “protection” of Viktor Orban.
The doors (including the lateral and discreet entrances) of the United States embassy are open to receive Jair Bolsonaro. It is the noblest, restoring and easier destination for the defendant who circulates with resourcefulness by, pretends to be a victim of persecution and has the support of the silent supporters of the coup that articulate the impunity of criminals.
The need for Bolsonaro’s pre -trial detention also the guarantee of public order. Crimes against the Democratic Rule of Law have a different nature of common crimes: the process in freedom, especially the heads, should be an exception. The conspiracy against democracy in Brazil remains latent and already has the explicit support of US authorities.
Reported by, Bolsonaro again discredit the result of the 2022 elections. Companies the rapporteur of the Bolsonaro case and the Supreme Court himself in the name of “freedom.” The multinational coup Elon Musk also strives, body and soul, in the struggle for the free circulation of fake news.
The movements are being launched on the political board. Tumultuating criminal action is part of the strategy. Postpone your outcome. Accuse the judges of bias. Collecting alleged arbitrariness, such as the order it rejected to contest the accusation. The proximity of the elections encourages the coup nature of military commanders.
The immediate arrest of Bolsonaro et Caterva is an act of legitimate and preventive defense of Brazilian society.