In order to get as many evidence against those who discovered her against Bolsonaro, he would have to have found a recording in which the current president was speaking to the PT in 2004 saying, “Companions, let’s steal the money from Petrobras!”; I would have to have found a secret safe on the Atibaia site with a sign saying “money I won as bribe”; And he would have heard that Lula proposed to steal “Mucha Plata” to be able to distribute “carajo Bible” in Brazilian day care centers.
None of this exists. What exists is this:
The army and aeronautics commanders told the police that they proposed to them one. The draft was found at the house of Bolsonaro’s Minister of Justice ,. Torres left the ministry at the end of the year and became Secretary of Security of Brasilia, and is therefore responsible for the complete inaction of the police on January 8.
The cell phones of and Braga Netto show, besides any doubt, that the two conspired, in the name of Bolsonaro, so that the military would adhere to the coup. Police found messages from Braga Netto ordering a campaign to overthrow the army chief who did not adhere to the coup.
A Lula’s plan was printed at Planalto’s palace, and its author met Bolsonaro soon after, at the Dawn Palace. Police found Mauro Cid’s message telling a coup officer, days before January 8, that the scam attempt was still underway. A manifesto of coup officers was read on the young Pan by Paulo Figueiredo, the nepobaby of the coup.
Cid’s messages, the military’s audit, and the audit of the one clearly showed that Bolsonaro and his accomplices knew that the ballot boxes had not been fraudulent. They continued to lie as a way to guarantee popular support for the coup.
To regret the complaint, only the absence, among the accused, of the Bolsonarist bench that met in Congress on November 30, 2022 to organize the coup. These people will continue to infect Brazilian politics, bringing our economic progress, conspiring with other representatives of the fascist international to destroy our democracy.
Bolsonaro never made mystery about his intentions. Rubens Paiva’s and the impeachment vote, in Quinta’s live after Quinta Live, in Cercadinho after Cercadinho, in Ustrapalooza in Paulista after Ustrapalooza, Jair always made it clear that he would try a blow. Anyone who wasn’t stupid enough to buy Milei’s cryptocurrency knew the blow would come.
To escape the hard sugarcane, Bolsonaro has one from Congress. His hope lies in another of his creations, the secret budget. Centrão threatens the Lula government with amnesty to scammers in the hope that Lula asks Flávio Dino to stop investigating the robbery of parliamentary amendments in recent years.
Faced with the avalanche of tests, the 2018 antisystem candidate will only get rid of jail if the most violently thief class of the Brazilian political system find out a hitchhiking way in his amnesty.
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