The secretary of the representation of the Government of Acre (Repac) in Brasilia, Fábio Rueda, is already moving so that families affected by floods, which begin to happen in the state of Acre in 2025, have the necessary help.
The weekend rains affected 17 neighborhoods of the capital/Photo: Reproduction
On Saturday, 22, a large volume of rainfall reached the state capital, approaching the 50% of volume projected throughout February, leaving about 1,200 families affected, distributed in 17 neighborhoods.
Among the people affected by the waters, 21 of them had to be sent to public shelters, while more than 200 residents were relocated to the family home who could make available a space to house.
“We will call the National Civil Defense, the Ministry of Cities and other federal agencies in search of help and release of emergency resources. Thousands of people have been harmed and we need to act fast so they have a decent protection at this difficult time, ”said Rueda
“Our main objective is to understand what are the most urgent needs of people and also the teams of the government and the city, so that we can present these demands to the federal government as soon as possible,” he added.