The relationship between Russia And the foreign companies that were in the country have gone through very tense moments since Vladimir Putin began the large -scale invasion of Ukraine three years ago. A total of 475 international companies closed their doors Here before the sations imposed by the West and the climate of economic uncertainty generated by the war conflict.
Great brands such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Ikea, Shell and Bridgestone, among others, ceased their operations, leaving a vacuum in the Russian market. His departure pressed significantly due to the lack of resources to finance the war.
However, as the peace negotiations y The relationship between Russia and the USSome analysts predict that, although the Kremlin says they will not receive a warm welcome.
“We are not waiting for anyone with open arms. We will have to pay a price for past decisions”said Thursday Anton AlikhanovMinister of Industry and Commerce of Russia, in statements collected by Express.
For its part, Denis ManturovFirst Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, said that Kremlin’s priority was to support national companies and the Eurasian Economic Union. “We are going to free for our market what interests us”said.
Is it convenient to return to Russia?
While the return of companies to Russia might seem attractive, various western analysts point out that las Barriers They are still considerable. The corruptionthe Lack of a safe legal framework and the Risk for the safety of foreign personnel They are just some of the factors that hinder a possible return to normal.
Edward Veronasenior member of the Eurasia of Atlantic Council, commented that “To assume another opportunity with Russia might seem attractive”. “After all, andn the business world memory can be short“, he says. However, he warns that good financial agreements may not be enough to overcome doubts about the security and the rule of law that persist in the country.