Can money affect the length of our life? In many cases, they clearly offer much greater possibilities and quality of care – and this will simply be reflected in the body. Millionaire Bryan Johnson really goes from the forest.
Bryan Johnson’s name is probably known mainly by those of us who have decided to work on their longevity. This forty -seven -year -old successful entrepreneur, a dollar millionaire and a relatively eccentric man became famous as a so -called biohacker. What is it about?
Watch a youtub video where Bryan Johnson himself presents his daily routine:
Source: YouTube
A truly unusual effort
If we think about most of us an unknown term, we will soon understand its meaning. The logic of this designation shows that it is a person who is trying to improve processes in his body, with various, mostly experimental interventions. Perhaps some of it will prove itself and the body will work better (and above all longer). Let’s see exactly how exactly the eccentric millionaire tries to extend his life to today’s still unreachable 150 years.
From half past four on your feet
Do you rather be a morning birds, or are you night owls? According to Bryan Johnson, the basis of early morning getting up. He wakes up at 4:30 pm, but the first minutes of his alertness have their rules. Instead of classic light, it lights up a special lamp that mimics the sun’s rays as faithfully. You know what the sun will do, penetrating the bedroom in the morning, with your mood – it is a little better in the world. And the good feeling leads to better function of the organism.
It doesn’t go without checking
The check is necessary, Bryan Johnson believes, and therefore the temperature measurement is also part of his morning routine. He believes that this time the thermometer will appear around 35 ° C. Is that little? For us yes, for this millionaire it is a classic. As soon as everything is fine from this point of view, it takes Parasym, ie electrical equipment that activates the nervous system, which subsequently fights the inflammation and looks forward to another quality sleep (which will come after a very active day) .
Dozens of tablets and green giant
Without food supplements, it would not be possible, it insists on his Bryan Johnson. Therefore, in the morning, the body supplies more than fifty types of dietary supplements both in tablets and diet, or in liquid. This is generally called the “green giant” and contains, for example, chlorella, keratin and other substances that help cells remain new.
Therapy and for hair
After all, a young person must also have beautiful and healthy hair. Thus, the millionaire also gives them sufficient care with them with daily therapy with red light under a special cap. Once it is done, it can start an hour of intense exercise. Only then comes a super -keen breakfast, in which a pile of vegetables disappears from the table. It does not forget dark chocolate, whose positive effect on the activity of the body is clearly proven. Antioxidants, flavonoids and substances that support a good mood must not come to be wasted. It also includes pudding with nuts full of healthy fatty acids.
To make the skin beautiful
Hair is already taken care of before breakfast, but now comes the right moment for light therapy for the whole body. 12 minutes below the special lamp stimulates the production of collagen, and it – how well we know – contributes to elasticity and youthful skin appearance. After light therapy, the therapy is a sound therapy, so that the hearing also remains “as new” for as long as possible.
Healthy food and other pills
It is still in the morning, but Bryan Johnson has really had a lot. Not surprisingly, he also likes to indulge in a second breakfast, this time it is basically nuts, another portion of vegetables, but also berries, which are known to contain another charge of antioxidants.
He also enjoys healthy substances before lunch, when he eats another thirty -four tablets containing piperin, turmeric, but also hyaluronic acid and many others. They should help him to prevent possible middle and older diseases, including diabetes.
Before we get up, it’s done
Does it seem to have no time to do with regard to “a healthy lifestyle? It’s not quite true. Let’s just try to calculate how long it takes. The sum is about four hours a day. Considering that it is getting up at 4:30, then the basic part of its efforts is ready before some of us get up on the fourth ring of the alarm. According to Johnson’s calculations, and especially the wishes, we should be convinced of whether his efforts will have the desired result in about a hundred years. Do not forget to mark it in the calendar for sure.