The origin of the Neanderthals is not what we thought (and the secret is in the ears)

by Andrea
The origin of the Neanderthals is not what we thought (and the secret is in the ears)

ZAP // Erich Ferdinand / Flickr

The origin of the Neanderthals is not what we thought (and the secret is in the ears)

Through the study of the ears, scientists have questioned the belief so far accepted that a reduction in genetic diversity is at the origin of the Neanderthal lineage.

The neanderthal lineage is due to a drastic reduction in genetic diversity, called “strangulation”-That is, they evolved from pre-neanderthal populations about 110,000 years ago. This was the belief so far shared by the scientific community. But is it anyway?

A new one, published in Nature This month, he believes not. Now, the team led by Alessandro Urciuoli analyzed inner ear (more properly the structure of the semicircular channels) of these hominids, through fossils of two archaeological sites: the sima de los hueses in atapuerca, with 430 thousand yearsand Krapina, in Croatia, dated between 130 thousand and 120 thousand years back.

The investigation revealed that classic neanderthals had a significantly lower morphological diversity, counts a.

“We were surprised to find that the pre-natives of Sima de Los Huesos had a level of morphological diversity similar to that of the early Krapine Neanderthals. This fact put into question the common idea that a strangulation occurred At the origin of the Neanderthal lineage, ”says Urciuoli.

“By including fossils of different origins Geographic and chronological, we managed to reconstruct the evolution of neanderthals with greater accuracy. The reduction of the observed diversity between Krapina and classic neanderthals is particularly clear and reinforces the evidence of a strangling event at this stage, ”explains another researcher, Mercedes Conde-Valverde.

That is, to the thought that was thought, the Neanderthals did not suffer a loss of genetic diversity: Yes, they maintained evolutionary continuity with pre-naeartal ancestors.

According to scientists, these discoveries rewrite the history of Neanderthals, and raise more questions about reducing their genetic diversity into more recent times.

The study also shows how the analysis of anatomical structures, such as the inner ear, can provide fundamental information for the knowledge we have about our ancient “brothers.”

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