A natural way to reduce appetite and control sugar. Add to porridge and fruit

by Andrea
A natural way to reduce appetite and control sugar. Add to porridge and fruit

Cinnamon It is a spice known for centuries, which is formed by powdering cinnamon tree bark. The said tree occurs naturally, among others in India or Sri Lanka. The most cinnamon is produced in China, Indonesia or on the aforementioned Sri Lance.

It contains many ingredients that can show A beneficial effect on the body. We are talking here, among others, about cinnamon aldehyd, tannins, terpenes and cumin. The spice can have antiseptic and antioxidant properties. In addition, it supports the functioning of the digestive system and contributes to improving blood sugar. Cinnamon can also help in the control of appetite.

The use of cinnamon does not narrow into the culinary. The spice is widely used in cosmeticsand this is because of fragrances and Properties that improve skin microcirculation.

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Cinnamon contains some amounts coumarineswhich too much consumption can have some kind of side effects. We are talking here, among others, with digestive system ailments. For this reason, it is recommended not to consume more than 0.5-1 teaspoons a day. Fortunately, cinnamon is a fairly intense spice, which is why we get the best results using even small amounts.

It is worth remembering that allergy sufferers should not reach for cinnamon – In their case, even a small amount of spice may end in an unpleasant allergic reaction. Cinnamon consumption is also inadvisable to people with gallbladder problems. This is due to the fact that this spice contains Euganol, which can affect the properties of bile.

Cinnamon You can season many different dishes – both dryand these sweet. It is a great idea to prepare a delicious porridge for breakfast with the addition of fresh fruit and a pinch of aromatic cinnamon, which will perfectly complement the whole. Some also give it to it coffee i tea. A classic small black with a small amount of cinnamon is something that is definitely worth trying.

The spice can be successfully used for different Asian or oriental dishes. Cinnamon is great for preparing curry, a sharp Thai soup or Moroccan Tagine. Let’s not forget about Fr. deserach. Cinnamon is a great addition to many different bakingsuch as apple pie and gingerbread, among others. An interesting proposition are also baked apples with cinnamon under crumble.

Source: NowowoPuje.pl, DOZ.PL

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