To maintain the production cherry tree and in health, careful and targeted pruning is needed. Let’s see how to do it correctly.
The Cherry pruning It is a fundamental operation to ensure healthy growth and abundant production of fruits. Unlike many other fruit trees, cherry it must not be pruned in wintersince low temperatures slow down cicatrization and increase the risk of infections. For this reason, the ideal era for pruning is summer, immediately after the collection of fruitswhen the plant is still active and able to better heal the cuts.
Too drastic interventions can compromise the productivity of the tree, therefore it is essential Limit yourself to targeted cuts. If necessary, it is possible to carry out small operations in winter, eliminating only dry or damaged branches. A balanced approach to pruning allows you to prevent damage to the plant, encourage harmonious growth and guarantee a constant harvest in the years to come.
Techniques and tools for effective pruning
To get a strong and productive cherryyou have to follow some fundamental rules. Pruning must be performed with sharp and disinfected toolsavoiding leaving open wounds that could attract parasites or mushrooms. It is essential to use well -sharpened scissors and saws to guarantee clear and precise cuts.
The tools must be sterilized With copper -based products to prevent infections and ensure better cicatrization of the plant. In addition, it is advisable to make inclined cuts to avoid the stagnation of water on the wounds, reducing the risk of rot. To protect larger cuts, you can apply cicatrizing mastic or use natural treatments that favor the regeneration of the vegetable tissue.
Recognize the branches to be eliminated
For one Effective pruningyou have to know which branches to eliminate and which to leave to ensure balanced growth. The Cherry cannot stand excessive cutstherefore the goal is to maintain a well -dejected and productive hair. Here are the types of branches on which to intervene:
- Juice: They are vigorous branches that grow vertically and remove energy from the plant. They must be eliminated.
- Lines: They sprout at the base of the trunk and do not produce fruits. Remove them helps to concentrate the sap in the production branches.
- Mazzetti di Maggio: small branches that bear fruit. They are eliminated only if dry or too internal.
- Brindilli: thin branches that produce flowers and fruits. They only prune themselves if they grow in the shade.
- Mixed branches: they are fertile and productive branches. Pruning must be minimal, just to avoid the appeal of the hair.
The return cut: when and how to do it
Il Return cut It is a useful technique for contain the growth of cherry without stressing it. It is carried out by shortening a branch near a younger one, which will become the new main branch.
This operation must be done carefully, because eliminating too many branches it can drastically reduce fruits. Use this technique only for very old branches, unproductive or out of shape, always respecting the balance of the plant.
Ligatures: an intelligent alternative to the cuts
A very useful trick for Driving the growth of cherry without drastic pruning It is the use of ties. This method allows you to lower the inclination of the branches, making them more horizontal and promoting a better production of fruits. To perform a correct binding:
- Usa corde morbide and materials that do not damage the cortex.
- Set the rope to a stake in the ground to maintain the tension.
- Lower the branches in springwhen they are more flexible.
- After a year Remove the binding: the branch will keep the new inclination.
This technique is very useful for avoiding uncontrolled growth upwards and making cherry collection simpler.
The Cherry pruning It is a fundamental operation to maintain the productive plant and healthy over time. Intervene in the right period, perform precise and limited cuts, recognize the branches to be eliminated and used the ligatures whenever possible It is the keys to obtain an abundant harvest without compromising the health of the tree. Following these advice, your cherry will continue to give you delicious fruits for many years.
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