The General’s defense requested the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that the minister declares suspicious to analyze the complaint of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) against them to maintain (PL) in power after defeat in the 2022 elections.
In an interview with CNNLawyer Marcus Vinícius Figueiredo stated that Dino’s performance as Minister of Justice and Public Security in 2023 compromises his impartiality.
“It has a preconception of guilt. This prior judgment removes from it the equity necessary to judge our client, ”he said.
In the request sent to the Supreme Court, the defense argues that Dino had active participation in the investigation of undemocratic acts and was called by CPMI of January 8 to provide clarification.
The lawyers highlight statements by the minister, who classified the events as “coup of state” and those involved as “terrorists”, as well as mentioning a plan that would have been articulated before the elections.
In addition to Dino, the defenses of the other accused try to dismiss Minister Alexandre de Moraes from the rapporteur of the case, claiming that he would be the victim of the alleged conspiracy, which would include a plan to murder him, in addition to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) and the vice president (PSB).
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Bolsonaro’s defense also intends to request the suspicion of Dino and the minister, arguing that the latter was Lula’s personal lawyer before he was nominated for the Supreme Court.