Counting numbers can help in a panic attack

by Andrea
Counting numbers can help in a panic attack

Counting numbers can help in a panic attack

It is a time of SOS that can extend for 20 minutes, which may even seem like a heart attack. But there are ways to soften.

Who has gone through, or usually goes through this, knows that a panic It’s really an episode of distress. There it is, in panic. For the person concerned and for those around.

This sudden moment of intense fear It is not inside. Extreme physical reactions are visible.

And it is an attack that can extend by 20 minuteswhich may even seem like a heart attack: accelerated breathing, increased heartbeat, higher muscle tension.

At least four of these Symptoms They are attached to a panic attack: accelerated heart rate and heartbeat, perspiration, tremors, breathlessness, asphyxiation sensation, pain or chest discomfort, nausea or abdominal discomfort, dizziness or fainting, goose bumps, numbness or tingling , feeling that we are seeing from above, fear of losing control, fear of dying.

It is often hereditary, But it also usually has another Origins: Labor stress, phobias, recall of a traumatic event, chronic diseases, thyroid problems.

What to do?

Then the obvious question arises, especially for those who are watching: what to do? How to reactor try to soften, a panic attack? It leaves 7 useful tips.

The first: control breathing. Essential. Take a deep breath and slowly. Inspire for 3 seconds and expire for 3 seconds.

The second: techniques of muscle relaxation, to recover body control. Contract fists for 10 seconds, then relax fists for another 10 seconds. And do the same in the legs, buttocks, abdomen, back, hands, arms, shoulders, neck and face.

Do not go out from the site. It is advisable to stay in the same place until the crisis passes. There is no emotional control, no physical control; It is better to stay where it is to avoid accidents – especially if you are driving.

Central Point: Remember that the Fear is not real. It’s complicated, of course, but it’s critical. And if not the first time, the person knows that the attack is fleeting and will have the control of the situation again.

Quinta Tip: Think of a positive situation. These thoughts contradict fear and create a sense of calm and tranquility that help.

Define one plano. It doesn’t matter which one. It is advisable to have a thoughtful solution, a strategy. It can be “just” call someone who helps calm down.

Finally: try focus on an object. Focus the look, try to capture your characteristics, for example. It is a way of diverting attention.

And here in this last point, in diverting attention, it is added… count numbers. It is focused, not on an object, but in a sequence of numbers; It focuses on something simple and repetitive-it can serve to distract the mind and reduce the feeling of overload that often accompanies a panic attack. It is such a focus: putting the focus on something less threatening.

In addition, counting can also activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing the physical symptoms of panic, such as the aforementioned heart acceleration and breathing breathing.

You can count from 1 to 10, count backwards; Or think of random numbers, never followed (which should even require greater focus).

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