Clint Hill will be in history for jumped to the back of the limo where the first lady followed Jacqueline Kennedy and the former president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, murdered on November 22, 1963.
Died last Friday, February 21, Clint Hill at the age of 93. The former secret agent was known to have jumped to the limo where the former US president, John F. Kennedy, murdered in 1963 in Dallas, United States.
Clint Hill died at home in the region of Belvedere, in the state of California, according to its publisher, Gallery books, although the cause of death has not been disclosed.
John F. Kennedy he was brutally murder By Lee Harvey Oswalda November 22, 1963. The one who was the fourth US president to be murderedfollowed in a presidential limo next to his wife and first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy.
Behind in another vehicle followed Clint Hill, at the time of 31, in charge of protect Jacqueline Kennedy. During the shooting, which hit John F. Kennedy on the head, The former secret agent rose to the limo still in motion and prevented that Jacqueline Kennedy was projected out of it.
Until the arrival at the hospital, Clint Hill covered with your body The first lady and John F. Kennedy.
Despite having except for the life of the first lady and have received various distinctions for their heroic act, Clint Hill spent decades to blame for JFK’s death.
“If I had reacted a little faster. And I could have reacted, I think, ”said Clint Hill on CBS’s 60 -minute program in 1975.
The former secret agent eventually renovateat the request of its doctors, for not being able to deal with the Ghosts of the past.
“For some reason, my life was spared and that of the president’s not. Now, at 92, I have been as I have been with my place in history. I tried. I was not successful, but at least I tried,” Clint Hill wrote shared publication in in November last year.