Are you troubled by mice around the trash containers? Forget expensive repellent and poisons. We have a simple and effective way to get rid of these uninvited guests using a powder you certainly have at home. This old proven trick will surprise you with its effectiveness!

Why do mice settle in trash containers?

Rodents naturally look for places where they find food and warmth. The garbage containers are a direct paradise for them – They provide them not only with food but also shelter. The problem usually worsens in the winter months when mice and rats do not have enough food in nature. Then they move closer to human dwellings and can cause considerable damage. In addition to spreading waste, they also transmit dangerous diseases. It is in the cold season that it is important to regularly check the surroundings of the house and intervene in time against the first signs of the presence of rodents.

A secret weapon from a fireplace: wood ash

A surprisingly effective solution is plain wood ash from the fireplace or fireplace. This natural powder is extremely obstructed by the rodents – it irritates their mucous membranes and skin, which naturally discourages them from the area where you spread it. It is enough to identify the places where rodents reach the trash containers and sprinkle them with ash.

You must add ash after each rain. It is important not to apply ash near edible plants as it can change the pH of the soil. This natural repeller is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly.

A natural solution without chemistry

The effect of ash can be reinforced by adding black or yew twigs. These plants naturally repel rodents with their smell. The combination of ash and aromatic plants creates such an unpleasant barrier for mice and rats that they move elsewhere. This natural way does not endanger pets and the environment, unlike chemical poisons and traps.

Preventive measures for long -term effect

For maximum efficiency, it is important to follow several basic rules:

  • Empty the trash container regularly
  • Do not leave bio -waste freely on Earth
  • Keep the surroundings of trash containers clean
  • Regularly check the possible rodent access roads
  • Restore the ash layer after each rain

How to find out if you have mice? Three signals that you shouldn’t ignore