Lula announces deposits of her foot without fitting a program to the budget

by Andrea

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) confirmed in a statement in a national network on the night of Monday (24) the PAYMENT OF SHEET to students beneficiaries of the program.

The values ​​begin to be deposited on Tuesday (25), however, outside what is foreseen in the budget.

The 2025 budget has not yet been approved by Congress, which already limits government expenses this early third year of office. Although it was released, however, the current budget does not contemplate the student program.

Specialists heard by CNN They point out problems in the execution of the program being done in this way “extracting”.

“The Public Finance Law says every expense should be stated in the budget. The so-called ‘extracting’ background fails to comply with this device, which is a fundamental principle of budget legislation. It is called the ‘Gross Budget Principle’, and breach of budget legislation is a crime of responsibility, ”explains Dalmo Palmeira, a public budget specialist and a master’s degree in public policy by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea).

In January, under the understanding of the technical area that the program was designed to be operated outside the Union budget, disrespecting the tax rules.

On February 12, however, the court dropped the block and gave.

On Monday, this possibility that already moved with investors throughout the day.

“The market stressed when it received the news that Lula would make a statement. “, Evaluated Rita Mundim, commentator of economics at the CNN.

Earlier, Lula had said he will “save the country” through microeconomics, and said that people should not believe in “macroeconomic nonsense.” For Mundim, “if macroeconomics is silly, we have a problem,” as these variables communicate with the country’s daily life problems.

“If the interest rate is high and the dollar is well above what it should be, the consequence of these variables being at this level is Brazil’s lack of fiscal responsibility,” he said.

Macroeconomic factors, as a new worsening in the expectation of inflation and future interest curve pressured, led the main index of the Brazilian bag ,.

Luciano Costa, chief economist of Monte Bravo, noted that if the situation extended, “the greater the worsening of the government’s fiscal commitment.”

“Fiscal commitment is still to accommodate as much as possible all the expense demands you are having. We are still skeptical about fiscal balance, ”he said.

Palmeira indicated that the difficulty occurs in the fact that this would undergo a process of the government to recognize, at first, the growth of expenses.

“To maintain balance in the face of the framework rules it will be necessary to increase (even more) the collection or decrease other expenses. Apparently the government no longer has space (for a variety of reasons) or for one thing or for another, ”concluded the public budget expert.


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