New open front in most by the two rivals of independence. The Government has agreed with ERC that also extends to all other autonomies, until it covers 83,000 million autonomous debt, and confident that it further signed up the legislature. But Junts, for his rivalry with ERC, points out that he does not like the foronation because it is for all autonomies, and not only for Catalonia, and threatens to reject in Congress the law that will endorse this forgiveness of the autonomous debt, of which The State would take charge. If Junts maintained this position, something that will have to be seen in the coming weeks, the government would need the support of the PP, which at the moment insists on rejecting the norm although it would greatly benefit autonomies such as Andalusia or the Valencian Community, governed by this party.
Again there is a moment similar to that, which contained the rise in pensions: the government tried to press the PP in the scenario that Junts could reject the text. Finally, both the independentistas and the party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo voted against and the initiative fell, although after a negotiation with the independentistas the government was able to recover it and then yes, when its vote was no longer decisive and could no longer cause a defeat From the Executive, the PP also voted in favor.
The Government has launched on Tuesday the machinery to press the PP publicly to see if the public opinion of the autonomies governed by this party understands that the Executive’s proposal is positive and thus makes the popular change the idea that moves at all times Feijóo, this is that the entire PP will vote in block this Wednesday at the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council, in which its position is not decisive because the government has a majority, but also in Congress when the Law that will protect the remove, and there the 137 pp seats can be very relevant.
Both the spokeswoman, Pilar Alegr, and the Minister of Digital Transformation, Óscar López, candidate of the Socialists in Madrid, have tried to press the PP with the idea that it makes no sense to reject something that means removing debt and, therefore, saving The interests and being able to dedicate them to public services, at a time when autonomies claim better financing and argue that they have difficulties. “The PP has to clarify whether to condemn or condemn, if you want to condemn or want to condemn all citizens of your autonomies by not accepting an initiative that can improve your economic situation,” said Alegría. Isabel Díaz Ayuso, president of Madrid, has said that this system would harm Madrid, because she would receive 8,000 million forgiveness while Catalonia would have 17,000 or Andalusia 18,000, because they are more indebted. “I would love to be harmed by removing my mortgage,” López has ironic. “If harming Madrid is to condemn 8,000 million debt, please harm me every day. Madrid has received 109,000 million from the State since 2018, 30,000 more than with Rajoy. And now 8,000 million are offered, ”López has finished off. Alegría has also recovered a few words from the Minister of Finance of Andalusia, Carolina España, who in November 2023 said that his community should condemn 17,000 million, and agreed, but this Monday, when he saw that the offer is even superior, Of 18,000 million, he said “we reject Montero’s trap offer because it is a custom suit for Catalonia.” Joy believes that the PP is opting for a political position to defend the interests of Feijóo’s opposition strategy, but trusts that little by little social pressure will change to the barons of the PP. The problem for the Government is that autonomic presidents would have many difficulties not to request money when everything is approved, but politically for the PP it is not so complicated to vote now against in Congress with the excuse that this is a negotiated measure With Catalonia. The government will display all possible pressure with the PP, but above all it will try to work with Junts so that it does not reject a law that clearly benefits Catalonia even if it has been negotiated with ERC and not with the Puigdemont group.
Junts was very critical of the agreement with ERC, which announced the president of the Republican group, Oriol Junqueras. “Coffee for all is not the Junts option,” said Mònica Sales on Tuesday, JXCat spokesman in the Parliament. Sales has claimed that the formation chaired by Carles Puigdemont has already made his own proposal on Catalan debt with the FLA: “the total foronation,” he said, and has estimated it in an impact of 73,000 million euros. Sales has avoided what sense will give together its vote in the Congress of Deputies when it is time to validate the norm with the partial remove that the government has committed, but it has advanced that the party receives with many misgivings the matter : “Experience shows us that it can be a new scam, that they want to give us cat for hare.”
Nor is the government’s minority partner. In a difficult attempt to reconcile the positions within the parliamentary group – with autonomic parties that defend different interests -, spokeswoman Verónica Barbero has valued the agreement as “positive but insufficient.”
“There are two issues that concern us,” he advanced. “It cannot be is that the communities use a debt remove to continue putting money in the hands of the rich, it has to go to favor the welfare state. And then, it is a good but insufficient measure [por la cuantía]. There are certain communities that have such a bulky debt that this remove will not allow them The more than 59,000 million. Barbero has advocated the reform of the regional financing system, so that this ceases to be “especially pernicious” with autonomies such as the Valencian or the Region of Murcia.
The spokeswoman for Compromís, àgueda Micó, already announced on Tuesday that they would not support that pact in Congress because it does not take into account “the needs of the Valencians” and criticizes the criteria applied (adjusted population) being theirs the most undeconed community. In a very hard tone – this question is a central issue of the political agenda of the formation – Micó recalled that the negotiation particularly benefits Andalusia, where vice president María Jesús Montero “is the candidate of the PSOE.” Compromís warns that a “brave attitude” will be opposed and claims both popular and socialists Valencians, whom he has asked to make a common front to negotiate. “The two have resigned from the agreement we had in the Valencian courts since 2017,” he said.
For his part, the deputy of Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) in Congress, Jorge Pueyo, considers that the proposal of the Treasury for the State to condone up to 2,124 million euros of the regional debt of Aragon is insufficient but a “starting point” . Pueyo has demanded that the president of his community, the popular Jorge Azcón, who goes “beyond” and does not act as a “puppet” of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. “Aragon’s vote in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council cannot continue to decide, Ayus Popular. The common ones, however, give their support and have valued on Tuesday “positively” the agreement through the First Secretary of the Bureau of Congress, Gerardo Pisarello. “We always clearly defended the need for singular financing for Catalonia and we believe that this agreement allows progress in this address. We are convinced that the Minister of Finance will make this solution, which is good for Catalonia, is also good for the rest of the unfinished communities, ”he wanted to mediate.
Also from the Government, the Minister of Health and leader of Más Madrid, Mónica García has described the agreement as “good news”, although he has recognized that we still have to “value the different scenarios of the different communities.” Garcia has defended that the central government has given 250,000 million more than those that the PP to the communities. “It is paradigmatic to complain about not having more budget at their disposal and now complain about the debt remove. I hope they react and look for the best for their citizens, ”he had located.