These pests appear in the garden first. Check if you have them on your plot

by Andrea
These pests appear in the garden first. Check if you have them on your plot

In early spring there is no shortage of work in the garden. It can be added to us by the presence of pests, which as soon as the temperature persists for several days in the range of 8-10 degrees Celsius, they begin to appear on our plot. Check how to deal with them and what preventive measures to take to avoid their visit.

Together with the first rays of the spring sun, they appear in the garden and make it difficult for us to grow plants and effectively weaken our specimens. I am talking about a group of pests, which we can first observe on plots and which force our mindfulness for this problem at the very start of spring. We include, among others:

  • Flowers – These are pests that attack many plant species. These are small beetles from the engraving family. They can be observed in the garden as soon as the temperature exceeds 8 degrees Celsius. These pests most often attack apple trees, raspberries and pears. Their feeding can even lead to complete loss of crop.
  • Spider mites – They also start their prey early. Their presence is most often demonstrated by silk networks. These pests attack plant leaves, damage their tissue and make them yellow and eventually fall.
  • Aphid – This is one of the most famous pests in the garden. They are characterized by a biting and sucking mouth, which allows them to suck out plants. They usually appear on young leaves, vertex bows, inflorescences and flower buds.
  • Honey – Their adult form is about 3-5 mm long. These are pests that are particularly dangerous for young trees. By feeding on their shoots, they can stop growth. The trees that have been strongly attacked by them look like they were osmolted.

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In early spring we should not only control our garden, checking that the plants were attacked by the pests, but also Take actions that will prevent this. For this purpose, it is worth reaching for various methods.

A good idea is the introduction of plants into your garden, which will be with their smell . These specimens should be planted in strategic places, for example, a discount or other areas that are exposed to attack.

In addition, it is worth introducing to your garden yellow -color flowers, as well as honey plants. Thanks to this, we will attract the natural enemies of pests to it and maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Let’s also try to avoid excessive use of chemical plant protection products so as not to harm useful insects.

Let’s not forget about Fr. daily care of our specimens. In the better conditions they will develop, the more resistant to potential pests attacks.

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