The President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), confirmed that the payments of the Pé-De Pé-Pémia to participants approved in the school year of 2024 will be made from this Tuesday (25).
The payment of $ 1,000 was announced after impasse around the program.
One of the main flags of this third term of Lula, the sock has become the target of controversies after the Federal Court of Audit (TCU) contest its budget legality.
In January, from part of the resources for the program, under the understanding of the technical area that the program was designed in a way in which it is being operated outside the Union budget, disrespecting the tax rules.
Less than a month later, however, the court suspended the blockade ,.
How does the Step Program work?
Step is a financial incentive program aimed at high school students in the public schools, with the objective of reducing dropout and ensuring students’ permanence at school.
Students can receive up to R $ 9,200 over the three years of high school, distributed as follows:
- Registration: R $ 200 deposited at the beginning of each school year;
- School attendance: R $ 1,800 per year, paid in nine installments of R $ 200;
- Conclusion of the school year: R $ 1,000 at the end of each year, for approved students;
- High School Conclusion Bonus: R $ 3,000 at the end of the 3rd grade, deposited in a savings and released at the end of high school.
Deposits are made directly in individual accounts opened by Caixa Econômica Federal for the beneficiaries.
In his statement on Monday, Lula stated that 90% of the beneficiaries were approved in the 2024 school year, and that the program has helped about 4 million young people to continue studying.
Who can participate?
Students must meet the following criteria:
- Be enrolled in public high school;
- Er between 14 and 24 years old;
- Be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico);
- Maintain a minimum frequency of 80% in classes.