Volodimir Zelenski, president of Ukraine.
Zelenski does not usually speak Ukrainian. To do so it has to be relaxed, which is not usual in your life for the past three years. That hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians speak little or poorly the Ukrainian and express themselves better in Russian (orally and in writing) is a historical triumph of Moscow.
Stalin despised Ukraine. In the great hunger of the thirty years of the twentieth century that left the young Soviet union – never better said – in the bones, Ukraine He suffered especially. Stalin ordered that all Ukrainian fields be hairstyled to the last meter in search of cereals. He did not leave a grain. Almost four million Ukrainians were starving, malnutrition, Pelagra. Of course They have not forgotten. It is an atrocity that adds to Other moscow channelslike the Deportation of the Tartars during World War II. But Russia has been in Crimea. Since 1783. The country was subjected to several rusification processes, as brutal under the tsars as under the communists.
It is a dogma of Russian faith that Crimea is a country integrated into Mother Russia that only the weakness of the State in the transition to clientele capitalism allowed to become independent. Putin has stressed in correcting this situation. It began in the Donbás region, where the rusophiles, in several districts, are a majority. And in view of the fact that Donbás has not served as an internal bomb, he has proceeded to a military invasion.
It is very unlikely that Greenery – Nacido in 1978 – he will dream political in his adolescence. Actually He studied right to satisfy his parents But what lAnd he threw was the world of interpretation, theatrical companies and almost immediately television. We all know since Zelenski performed on a television series entitled Town server to the president of Ukraine. Years later that was the name of the party with which he attended the elections of April 2019. But before Zelenski became the one he was perhaps The largest television producer in Ukraine. Its producer, Kvartal 95, made films, many of them starring Zelenski himself, often box office successes, not only in Ukraine, but in other countries of the former Soviet orbit. The actor and his partners even came to acquire the majority of a television channel while diversified their production, dedicating themselves to cartoon films to the organization of musical concerts and great shows.
Why a popular actor and a successful businessman gets into politics? It is difficult to understand it. The situation of the country was already worrying in the spring of 2019 and once in the presidency Zelenski’s business has not prospered, but rather the opposite. An opportunistic harlequin would have escaped at full speed three years ago or would have surrendered to the Kremlin. Zelenski has not done so. He has not summoned elections because according to the Ukrainian Constitution he cannot do so in case of war and sleeps every 24 or 48 hours in a different place. Perhaps the simplest responses are sometimes the most truthful, and Zelenski decided to risk the presidency for patriotism. By sense of duty.
Apparently, Under the bombs, the president makes jokes. Increasingly black. “What does a Russian throwing bombs on Ukraine? Ensure a burial.” Now, reborn Trumpism and Russian authoritarianism seem willing to reach a peace that does not include the opinion of the Ukrainian people. Actually to distribute territory, cereals and rare earths through an infectious puppet government. If there is consensus, one of the first objectives is political elimination and, if necessary, physical, of Zelenski and its circle of maximum trust, including its generals. The actor will not go back. It is terrible what has happened in the criminal invasion of Ukraine by Russia, but the worst might be coming.