Astrological events March 2025. Our world goes through a major change, and March 2025 marks a culminating point of this energy. This is determined by the influences of Mercury and Venus’s relegation, the beginning of the eclipses season and Neptun’s transition to Aries.
Discover why March 2025 is considered the most “pivotal” moment of the year in astrology.
Mars comes out of retrograde, Venus enters
In March, Mars remains in its direct and shadowing stationary phase, while Venus begins its relegation to Aries on March 1. When a planet states, it means that either it goes into retrograde, or prepares to become direct and “wake up” again. Usually, the influence of a planet is maximum during this period. Mars is in direct movement in Cancer in the first nine days of the month, while Venus entered Retrograde in Aries between March 1 and 8. Mars will continue its shadow period until April 22.
Horoscope Cristina Demetrescu February 24 – March 2, 2025. A week with dizziness for some signs, with steps for others. Jupiter saves the situation
Venus retrograde is in the fire field of Aries, governed by Mars, where its influence is strongly provoked, generating a complex and intense energy. Mars, in Cancer, is considered in a weak state, which indicates that none of these planets operate at optimal capacity, resulting in a lack of efficiency in both cases. Cancer symbolizes the house, family and safety we need to feel protected. For many, Mars’s relegation through Cancer creates a sensation of insecurity instead of comfort. The adjustments made during the relegation of a planet tend to change or return to its original state once it resumes its direct movement.
Astrological events March 2025: Venus retrograde in Aries
Venus governs love, beauty and values, and during its relegation we often stop to reflect on what really matters, both individually and collectively. With Venus in Aries, we can expect an increase in assertiveness and dynamism in love relationships, which may sometimes seem selfish. During this period, love life may undergo significant changes. If a relationship reappears now, it is very possible to be meant to last. On the other hand, if a relationship ends, it is a sign that space is created for a more appropriate connection.
Rune forecasts February 24 – March 2, 2025. Algiz, runs of opportunities, comes with the offer, and Jera indicates the purpose. Inguz brings directly abundance and prosperity
During Venus’s relegation, it is advisable to avoid art -related acquisitions, cosmetic surgery, major beauty investments or formalizing a relationship through engagement or marriage.
Venus retrograde can bring us events meant to completely transform our perspective on love. Past relationships can return to our lives, giving us the opportunity to reconnect or learn important lessons.
Astrological events March 2025: Mercury retrograde in Aries and Fish
Between March 19 and April 7, Mercury is in retrograde movement in Aries. Like Venus, Mercury will return to fish on March 28 and will become directly in this sign in April. Mercury is in a difficult position in fish, which means that March will be a complicated month for communication and mental clarity.
Mercury governs all forms of communication – spoken, written, digital – and also influences contracts, travel, transport and technology. During his relegation, we can face misunderstandings, delays and difficulties in making decisions.
It is possible that it is difficult to get clear answers from the others, and even when we receive them, there are high chances for them to change their opinion after Mercury becomes directly.
The eclipse season
In March 2025, we have two major eclipses. The first is an eclipse of the Moon in the Virgin on March 13. The virgin governs the 6th house, associated with work and health, and this eclipse will force us to face reality, leaving the illusions behind. This eclipse has a significant impact on the astrological maps, activating a rare astrological configuration – a Taduration between Saturn, Neptun and Mars, which appears once at about 30 years old and is associated with difficult periods, conflicts and economic disorders.
The second eclipse, an eclipse of the sun, takes place on March 29 in Aries, during a superlance. Superlas appear closer to the earth and are often correlated with intense meteorological phenomena, such as tsunamies, and earthquakes.
Read the continuation on the advice of the people. Ro.