Santiago (Reuters)-An energy blackout reached large areas of Chile on Tuesday, interrupting mining operations in the largest copper producer in the world and leaving the residents of Santiago without electricity.
The Chilean state -owned company Codelco, the world’s largest producer in the world, said the power outage affected all its divisions and that Chuquicamata, Andina, Salvador and El Teniente mines were out of power.
Hidden, the largest copper mine in the world, was out of electricity, a source near Reuters told the matter. Mining Antofagasta said she was using generators to maintain the operation in her mines.
The lack of energy has affected from the regions of Arica and Parinacota in the North to the southern region of Los Lagos, according to the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred). There were no records of emergency situations.
Streets in Santiago were not working, according to witnesses of Reuters. The Santiago subway, which carries millions of passengers a day, was also affected.
Electricity transmission companies investigate the origins of the failure and work to restore the service, Senapred said.