Science suggests that a realistic deadline for implementing a new habit exceeds two months. But it can reach almost a year.
First: What is a habit?
According to several psychologists, a habit is a behavior we learn, or an automatic sequence of actions, which has become reflective and independent of cognitive and motivational influences over time.
With other Palavas: These are actions that we play with little or no conscience, or with intention. They are automatic. And there are studies that show that almost half of our daily actions are automatic, without thinking. They are repetitions.
Os Good habits are important. They are actually an essential part of our routine. From too small. Physical activity is one of the most important habits for dealing with stress and becoming more resilient, for example. Overall, habits give us a sense of control of our lives.
Introducing new useful habits and rejecting harmful habits train our ability to support discomfort, to live according to our own values, and to increase our psychological stability.
But in this analysis of the portal, there is another focus: how long we take to gain a new habitcreating a habit?
There is an idea that has been spreading in recent years: the human being needs 21 dias to change your habit.
But it is mito. Scientists at the University of London points out that a realistic deadline for a new habit is 10 weeksjust over two months. Other experts argue that it varies between 18 and 254 dias (ie almost a year); on average, a new habit arrives in 66 diasjust over three months.
But how did the 21 -day story come about? The origin is called Maxwell Maltz, A psychologist who for about 60 years ago said we need at least 21 days to create a habit. In the course of time, the “at least” part of the “.
And so the idea “takes 21 days to create a habit”. As in so many other situations, many people said the same thing countless times… and the Most began to think that it is true.
Scientists leave some tips About the creation of habits: add the new to old habit, have pleasure in the new habit, replace (adapt, transform) and not cancel, have flexible plans, take small steps and not make sudden or sudden changes, and be aware that The environment is more important than willpower.