Registration is open for the residence for the “aligned by the same wool”, an initiative that aims to value the wool of the Algarve Churra sheep, the only southern native breed of the country among the 52 recognized in Portugal.
Up to seven participants will be selected, including designers, textile artists, artisans, makers, architects or other professionals, who will have the opportunity to develop individual projects and collaborate in a joint piece using Algarvia barrack sheep wool.
The residence, which runs between April and September under the formation of Paula Neves and curated by Vasco Águas, will culminate in an exhibition of the final work in October. Interested parties must submit individual applications and may submit only one proposal.
Registration must be sent by email to, including the Vitae curriculum, portfolio with images of work done, motivation letter and description of the project to be developed with the wool, accompanied by possible sketches.
Promoted by the Loulé City Council through the Loulé Creative Project, the residence provides participants to learn from trainers specialized in all stages of working with wool, from selection and washing to the preparation and development of the final product. In addition to the availability of the raw material, mentoring will be offered in the development of the project.
Participants will be able to access accommodation at the Gama Lobo Palace, subject to space availability. At the end of the program, each participant will create an individual piece, which will be in his inauguration after joining the exhibition at the Gama Lobo Palace Gallery, between October 10 and November 23rd. In addition, a collaborative piece will be developed, which will remain with the organization, properly credited to the authors.
The initiative intends to economically and culturally value the wool of the Algarve barrae sheep, promoting its collection, treatment and dissemination. The project also aims to strengthen ties between the local producing community, trainers and textile artisans, while contributing to the training of agents involved in the wool of barra wool and reinforces their historical and patrimonial importance.
This residence is one of the actions that, in partnership with Algarchurra – Association of Churra Algarvia sheep Breeders, is developing to value this breed, which, despite its adaptation to the Algarve ecosystem, has been undervalued due to the lower profitability of its meat and wool.
For more information, interested parties can contact the organization through the email.
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