The minister of the (Federal Supreme Court), determined on Tuesday (25) the filing of an investigation against the senator (-Al) in case involving businessman Milton Lyra ,.
According to the decision, the case file must be sent to the first instance of the Federal Court in Brasilia to continue the investigation regarding suspects without prerogative of forum.
The accusation was that Renan would have received bribes to influence the edition of legislative measures of the port sector that would be interested in businessman Richard Klien, from the company Multitorminal, between 2012 and 2014. At the time, the parliamentarian was ally of the president (PT).
Fux accepted one by filing the case in relation to Renan, as the panel column showed.
In a demonstration sent to the Supreme Court last month, the head of the Federal Prosecutor said that the Federal Police were unable to gather evidence that Dilma measures would have been influenced by the senator, nor that there would have been the payment of bribes.
“The police authority failed to achieve new elements related to Calheiros, leaving the initial evidence isolated in the file. Additionally, given the information currently available and resulting from the proceedings already performed, the initial evidence no longer projected the same shadow of gravity over the conduct of the conduct of the conduct of the Investigated, empties the just cause for the continuity of the investigation against the parliamentarian, “said the Attorney General.
Gonet also states that “the edition of the provisional measure is the exclusive prerogative of the President of the Republic, as stipulated by the Constitution”.
In October last year, PGR through Lyra, this time by the Hypermarcas group.
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