How do you prepare eggs most often? There are plenty of possibilities, but we often have one or two that we prefer. Let’s see if they are appropriate or not.
While my descendants did not want to touch the eggs boiled in their childhood, they loved the omelet. The liquid consistency of the yolk simply did not suit them. Today we know that if they were willing to eat just such a groomed egg, it would probably be the best for them, as for each of us.
Roman Paulus certainly knows how to cook the eggs best. It will also advise you in the video on the youtub channel Kitchen Lidl:
Source: YouTube
A lot of good things
Eggs are a natural product, a raw material full of vitamins, protein and, last but not least, minerals. We have an invaluable influence on our health, mostly positive, so let’s try to think of as many ways to prepare and consume them. Let us also clarify which of the modifications are the best for our body.
Especially quickly
According to scientific knowledge, we maintain the most vitamins and nutrients that are in raw eggs, at their rapid cooking at high temperature. The longer they are exposed to heat, the more they lose their value. Therefore, if you are not the same opinion as my children, cook eggs soft, so take them for dinner. Not only will we shorten the time we need to prepare them, but we also get much more nutrients. And that’s wonderful, don’t you think?
Do not waste natural gifts
Among the somewhat loss -up methods after the logic of the matter is, cooking is hard. Even worse is the baking in the oven, where the eggs often spend tens of minutes together with other foods. At that time, we can not be surprised that too healthy elements will not remain. This is, of course, a pity and a waste of natural help.
It depends on the circumstances
Those who want to prepare scrambled eggs can also start experiments that will significantly increase their value. First, for such a purpose, it is necessary to choose the highest quality oil that does not start to burn as quickly. It is a so -called smoke point that should be as high as possible. This means that the oil can withstand really high temperatures before it begins to – in general – to smoke.
The best in this sense are avocado refined oil with 271 ° C, but let’s say honestly: Which of us has it? Very good choice will be more easily available oils such as rapeseed, olive, sesame or sunflower (sorted by smoke point from the best). The good news is that even released butter, the so -called GHI, will be an excellent choice.
Quality eggs are winning
When you fry the eggs – on high -quality oil, as we said – choose in a shop or farm, which is the greatest prerequisite for quality and high content of nutrients. Which are they? Ideally, it should be free breeding, where the hen can move after the paddock at their discretion. Their health is also reflected in egg quality. Of course, this advice on the selection of raw materials also relates to all other modifications.
Do you want to get even more from egg meals? There is another way to improve, which is their combination with vegetables, or with quality meat. Even more vitamin or other proteins will move the finished food into the higher sphere, and you can be sure that you have done something for your body.