Judge Mary S. Scriven denied on Tuesday (25) so that the minister’s orders of the (Supreme Court) are not met in the United States.
The minister is accused by censorship companies in a lawsuit filed in the American court. Last Friday (21), Moraes determined the withdrawal of Rumble in Brazil alleging court orders related to the platform were not met-the determinations were confidential, but now the process was made public. For this reason, he had the platform take off until it meets its orders, including the payment of fines
In the decision, the judge denies that Moraes decisions apply to companies in the US and cites the Hague Convention and a mutual legal assistance treaty signed by the United States and Brazil. It also argues that Rumble and Trump Media & Technology are not required to comply with determinations in the United States.
Scriven also says that apparently no action has been taken to reinforce Moraes’ determinations by the Brazilian government, the US government or other relevant actor. However, it states that if there is any action in this regard, it will take any action.
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