President’s plan () to summon radio and television network to do, as a strategy for publicizing government actions, does not constitute an illegality at the current moment, but can be questioned in 2026, given the proximity of the electoral period, according to lawyers and political scientists heard by Sheet.
Lula for a pronouncement in which he exalted his programs Pécaçia and Popular Pharmacy.
With an informal language, he sought to release the dissemination of actions of his government, without presenting news, in a time of popularity crisis.
“With the proximity of the next 2026 electoral election, there will be really a question about this issue of this periodicity of pronouncements made by the Lula government. But at first there is no such restriction,” says Vera Chemim, a constitutionalist lawyer and master in public law Administrative by FGV (Getulio Vargas Foundation).
According to her, next year it will be necessary to consider the electoral legislation.
Vera estimates that there are still not enough elements to say that Lula would be using these pronouncements to self -promote. However, it points out that the statement alone already has advertisements for management actions.
“What is behind, a background, is that it is increasingly showing themselves to Brazilian society, trying to demonstrate that it is doing something productive in the government. And it is logical that this will configure an early electoral propaganda, there is no doubt about it “, it says.
The pronouncement happens at a delicate time for the government. Second, the president’s approval fell to 24%, the worst rate of his mandates.
Daniel Burg, a criminal law lawyer at the Brazilian Law School, says pronouncements can configure a self -propaganda, although it is “something natural in the face of experiences we see in other countries.”
“If it is a tool that is available to it and is practiced within the legal dictates, it is a right. If it is considered electoral inflation, certainly a political party will ask for the opening of an administrative procedure to find out,” he says.
“This kind of exposure that Lula made will be more questioned by the opposition when he arrives in 2026 and has an electoral calendar,” says Eduardo Grin, a political scientist and professor at FGV. “The opposition can say ‘the campaign is anticipated, the campaign has not started yet, this is illegal.'”
The measure is one of the strategies used by the new Minister of Secom (Presidential Communication Secretariat), to boost Lula’s communication. Along with this, there was also an increase in trips from the president in ads across the country, interviews with local radios and an update in the language of official social networks.
The FGV professor evaluates that there is a fine line between the use of the channel for government accountability with the population and political propaganda.
“It is very difficult to separate one thing from another. Of course Lula spoke of two government programs, so he is accountable to what his government is doing. One way to account is the ruler to speak directly to society, as is the Case of presidential pronouncements. “But when it appears talking about government programs, of course he is advertising.”
“There is nothing written in stone of how often the president can communicate or not,” says political scientist João Feres of UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro).
“From the point of view of a political scientist, if the presidency of the Republic has a problem of communication with the electorate, with citizens, because even does not have direct communication channels, I do not find the president to intensify direct communication. of the great media, “he says.
The opposition claims that the way Lula uses channels already configures self -promotion and a strategy of the federal government to deal with the crisis that lives.
Deputy Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG), author of a bill that is being processed in the House of Representatives that includes improper use of the radio and television chain among misconduct crimes, wants to use the situation to accelerate the project’s appreciation in Home.
Currently, the proposal is at the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission) and had designated as rapporteur the deputy Cezinha de Madureira (PSD-SP). There is, in the text, the provision to penalize the authority that escapes from what defines the law in relation to the convening of a radio and TV chain.
“This confusion is recurrent that the PT makes between the public and the party. This is not the first time, but it occurs extremely seriously,” says Aécio. “The logic of chain calling is to meet the interest of society, with information that is useful to them, and not meeting the interest of a government in crisis, as President Lula seems to understand.”
The Planalto Palace was sought, but declined to comment.