After the current president of ABDI (Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development), Ricardo Cappelli changed the tone of his posts on Instagram and began to prioritize, in 2025, videos with criticism of the management of the governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), and his deputy, Celina Leão (PP).
Affiliated to the PSB, he is a pre-candidate for the succession of Ibaneis in 2026, when he is expected to face Celina.
Flavio Dino’s former number 2 at the Ministry of Justice, Cappelli was an intervener in the DF for 24 days after attacks on January 8, 2023.
With the trip of Dino to the Supreme Court (STF), (PSB) to command ABDI. The agency is formally autonomous, but suffers political influence from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services.
Throughout 2024, Cappelli’s Instagram was used to post public security, January 8, Lula government and ABDI. There were few personal and rare publications criticism of Ibanese and Celina.
From January this year, however, there was a change in both tone and style of the videos. On January 15, for example, the president of ABDI launched the “takes me that I go”, an initiative in which he proposes to spend a few days at the home of residents of the administrative regions of the DF.
Since then and until the morning of Tuesday (25), there were 234 Instagram posts of the president of ABDI. Of these, 112 dealt with the DF. These are videos that have served both to point out infrastructure problems, security and other local issues and to criticize GDF management.
In some posts, Cappelli already anticipates the script of candidates and appears eating “Dogão” on the street, washing the bathroom from a house where he stayed and riding by bus from the administrative region to ABDI headquarters, in the Pilot Plan.
Cappelli’s three “reels” currently, the three “reels” follow this script: one quotes grabbing scheme in Santa Maria, while two are dedicated to criticizing the decision of Ibanese to giving free bus and subway free on Sundays on Sundays and holidays – the president of ABDI cites subsidy paid by the GDF to bus companies. Some posts also bring the hashtag #dfparatodos.
Cappelli also intensified the interview schedule. The program Sou Brasilia, from Radio Activity, received the president of ABDI four times in January and seven times in February, according to the agenda available on the agency’s website – -sepre at lunchtime.
There were also participation in programs and interviews to other media this year.
The panel questioned Cappelli about the emphasis given to the DF on his social network and also asked if this could not create institutional friction with the GDF.
“I started discussing more on my personal page the DF issues, where I live for over 20 years, and also publish leisure moments with my family and my dogs,” he says. “I’m a PSB political actor with 35 years of militancy in favor of Brazil, and I will continue until the end of my days.”
Cappelli also said “institutional friction happened on January 8, 2023, when the Governor of the DF was removed from his position by the Supreme Court by allowing the headquarters of the three powers of the Republic to be depredated by scammers.”
“I understand that institutional risk was when the governor appointed to the DF Public Security Bureau, responsible for the security of the constituted powers in the capital, the former Minister of Justice of Bolsonaro [Anderson Torres] who was arrested for having a coup draft at his residence, “he continued.
“I remember that the Governor of DF himself often attacks President Lula in interviews. It is that democracy is also criticized. This does not interfere with the institutional relationship between the entities, which is above political disputes.”
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