The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic Richard Takáč (Smer-SD) is a champion of throwing guilt for failures for previous governments. This was stated by the vice -chairman of the opposition KDH Marián Čaučík in response to Tuesday (25 February) Takáč’s statements about the weak drawing of funds through local action groups (LAG).
“The whole opposition criticizes the masters and criticizes himself. This is how Minister Takáč started a Tuesday press about the catastrophic drawing of the Rural Development Program through local action groups. Minister Takáč is a master in how to throw guilt for failures at all previous governments“said Hyphacik.
He did not say, however, that the conditions for this call were set up for the second and third reign of Robert Fico (Smer-SD). “We are talking about 2014 to 2022, when most of this period was Robert Fico. The Supreme Audit Office has brought a number of findings that we want to ask the Minister. And we have the right to do this as opposition MPs“he said.
“In particular, the Minister did not say that he was running for the third year of the new programming period, from which he and the Agricultural Paying Agency did not write any new challenge,” He added Čaučík.
Takáč said at a press conference that European funds for MAS would not all be exhausted. According to him, the politicians who ruled in Slovakia from 2020 to 2023, for the poor drawing of the resources for LAG, are responsible for the poor resources for LAGs, Especially now opposition MP Veronika Remišová (Slovakia, for people, Ú) and then Minister of Agriculture Ján Mičovský.