Erika Hilton will go to court against narrator Sérgio Maurício after offense

by Andrea

The federal deputy Erika Hilton (PSOL) will go to court against Sérgio Maurício. The narrator was accused of committing transphobia in a post that mentions the parliamentarian. He denies the accusations. Sought by the report, the Band, who dismissed the employee from Formula 1 narrations, will not comment on the case.

In a note released on his social networks, Erika Hilton commented that she welcomes the decision that the station made for the removal. However, she argues that the attack on dignity must have a criminal response. “Because the mere fact that I am who I am, of trans people are who they are, is a reason to be victims of violence completely free, physical or virtual. And there are no other terms that describe such behavior if not persecution, transphobia, crime of hatred and gender political violence. This is unacceptable, ”says the text.

The parliamentarian also mentions that transphobia is considered a crime in Brazil, in reference to the understanding of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) obtained in 2019, when the Court recognized that offensive acts performed against people of the LGBTQIAPN+ community can be framed as racial injury. The decision was still ratified by 2023.

Erika Hilton will go to court against narrator Sérgio Maurício after offense

“Finally, I greatly thank you for the affection that I and the Trans community and we received from numerous fans, pages and profiles dedicated to Formula 1. Formula 1 is giant in Brazil, and with our history in this sport, it would not be different. And if those who use their voices and platforms to protect those and those who are daily attacked simply because they are who they are, ”concluded the federal deputy.

As determined by EstadãoAlthough keeping Mauritius on the staff without using it represents a considerable expense for the Band, due to the high salary paid to him, judicial issues make the possibility of dismissing him to be studied with caution.

Three days ago, the profile attributed to the narrator (@sergiomdoficial) in the X, former Twitter, called Erika Hilton “a human fake news” and “thing”, reiterating offenses from another user, identified as Oliver Noronha. In defending the prosecution, in an interview with S.Paulo FolhaMauricio said that “this is not the first time that people maliciously have created false profiles and/or reproduce untrue speeches using my image” and promised to take legal action.

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The @sergiomedoficial profile, responsible for the comment and later excluded, had over 30,000 followers and was often cited in publications on the Bandsports official page. Anyway, as the narrator said he was not the author of the offense, a possible dismissal depends on the proof that he used the profile in question.

Sergio Maurício has a history of controversial statements. In 2022, in an audio leaked during a broadcast of the Spain GP, ​​it was possible to hear it by saying, after seeing a Botafogo flag in the middle of the crowd: “See if there is Flamenguista there. It’s all hard, slum. ”

This Wednesday, the first day of the F-1 preseason, the narration was in charge of Ivan Bruno. He and Napoleon Almeida should follow in this season’s broadcasts. However, there is still a definition for when the calendar officially begins on March 14 at the Australia GP.

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The Band has in its team Galvão Bueno and Téo José. However, it is not known if both would be considered to take over the voice of F-1 in the case of a potential disconnection of Sergio Maurício. The extensive category calendar (24 races), with an unpleasant time zone in the stages in Asia and Oceania, could be a factor that did not attract Galvão, which will have a program on Monday nights at the Band at this time.

The Bandeirantes group has already had to deal with a similar situation. The host Renata Fan, from the open game, published, on February 14, a montage on the social network that compared Globo’s sports attractions with those of Band, after her former banking companion Denilson was hired by the Rio station.

On the top board, the words “in the band” were accompanied by a photo of the journalist alongside former soccer player Denilson at the Open Game Studios, the station’s program. Already in the second board, the words “Na Globo” are accompanied by a edited photo where Denilson is next to Pabllo Vittar in the studios of Globo Esporte.

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In the comments of the journalist’s post, the artist positioned herself and regretted what happened. “Homophobia is no joke! Many people die because of this ‘joke’, ”said Pabllo. Despite the negative repercussion, Renata Fan did not suffer any kind of punishment.

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