Government will have new superior technicians. Problem: will receive more than others

by Andrea
Government will have new superior technicians. Problem: will receive more than others

Paulo Novais / Lusa

Government will have new superior technicians. Problem: will receive more than others

Monthly increase of at least 52 euros will be one of the reasons that originated the strike in the civil service that lasts three days this week.

O Government wants to celebrate a negotiating protocol until April to advance with the Three new authorities at the Ministry of Financethat foresee wage increases paid in July, with retroactive.

A with the civil service unions took place last Monday, centered on the restructuring of the Ministry of Finance and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

This remodeling, which provides for extinction of some general directions To create the new authorities, “will pass the establishment of a negotiating protocol,” explained José Abraão, secretary general of Fesap, on leaving the meeting with the government in Lisbon.

This protocol, he added, may be established on April 1 and will come into force July for the sake of operation, and the expected valuations will be paid with retroactive To April.

In this organic restructuring three new authorities will be created: budget, finance and public administration, and it is expected to create a 25% remuneration supplement for INE workers, budget general and new public administration authority.

It is supplement is associated with time exemption And after this first year, it will be linked to the performance evaluation.

“The proposal goes in the sense of value the careers that have so far existed in INE and the general direction of the budgetwhich began with the remuneration position 17 and will start at 18 ″, began by explaining the FESAP leader, after the meeting with the ministers of finance and presidency, as well as the Secretary of State for Public Administration.

In addition, a “proposal for the creation of three careers that covered the workers of the Ministry’s General Secretariatbut also all those workers of the entities who will now give rise to the authorities that will be created, ”said the union leader.

Then maid the career of the special regime of Specialist Higher Technician in cross coordination of administration and public policies to “the general regime workers Superior technician who are part of the General Secretariat of Government, Planapp and Cejure, or will integrate these entities within the scope of the processes of merger and restructuring of the ongoing secretariats, ”according to the government’s proposal.

Already those who will integrate the future authority of the Public Administration (which will add the Directorate General of Administration and Public Employment, the social services of the Public Administration and the National Institute of Administration) will have a New career of the special regime of superior technician expert In cross -sectional coordination of administration and public policies, with the possibility of opposition.

52 euros

In concrete terms, the salary of the new higher technicians will have a increase of at least 52.63 euros per monthindicates the document delivered by the government to the unions.

“In the transition to the career of a superior expert technician, workers are repositioned in the remuneration position corresponding to the remuneration level immediately following the remuneration level or the base remuneration that hold on the date of production of effects of the legal diploma,” says the.

This salary improvement will encompass Superior technicians specializing in budgeting and public finances of the Ministry of Finance, superior technicians experts in Statistics of INE and the new regime of specialist coordination technician of administration and public policies.

E It will never be an increase of less than 52 eurosthe government guarantees: “When repositioning results in a remuneration increase of less than 52 euros, the worker is repositioned in the following remuneration position.”

One more reason for strike

This difference will have been one more reason for the public function strike that takes place over three days this week, between Wednesday and Friday.

Yesterday, Wednesday, adherence to the first three days of strike called by the National Federation of Workers Unions in Public and Social Functions (FNSTFPS) was “Above 50%”, According to coordinator Sebastião Santana.

Yesterday’s stoppage was precisely from the upper technicians. In all, there are about 50 000 and will have been on strike 25 000.

In, economist Pedro Sousa Carvalho stressed that workers do not want situations of “injustice” in the careers of the civil service.

And he took the example of the new career of superior technician: “What is the problem? Will gain more than other superior technicians who are in the general regime. They will have a simpler position in the single remuneration table. This kind of things, of increasing and not increasing others, can obviously create situations of injustice and protest. Hence the claim ”.

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