José Sena Goulão / Lusa
Miguel Pinto Luz, Minister of Infrastructure and Housing
PSD and PS approve, this Wednesday, in the specialty changes to the diploma of rustic soils. The Minister of Infrastructure considers that this law is “condemned to success” as it brings together consensus between the two largest parties of the Arch of Governance.
Parliament approved, in the specialty, changes to the diploma of the “Soil Law” in force that allows to reclassify rustic soils in urban, for housing construction, with most modifications resulting from a Understanding between PSD and PS.
In the Commission of Economics, Public Works and Housing, this Wednesday, were approved changes from PSD, PS and IL and refused proposals from arrival, be and free.
Among the main changes approved is the replacement of the concept of housing of “moderate value” – used by the government – by “accessible lease” or “at controlled costs”.
The replacement of the territorial criterion of “contiguity with urban soil”, for the consolidation of an existing urban area, was also approved, as well as the revocation of the possibility of building housing for the accommodation of agricultural workers outside the existing urban areas.
Social Democrats included most socialist demands In its proposal, namely as to the need to demonstrate the impact of soil reclassification on existing infrastructures, as well as the charges of reinforcing these infrastructure.
The socialist former minister of infrastructures MARINA GONÇALVES said, at the end of the votes, that the changes reinforce transparency.
According to the vice president of the socialist parliamentary bench, after a set of auditions, the PS presented proposals that, “in the vast majority were approved in the specialty”, changes that aimed, on the one hand, on the one hand, “Mitigate the effect on the soil that is used”.
In Braga, the current Minister of Infrastructure, Miguel PINTO LIGHTstated that the law of soils is condemned to successsince it brings together the extended consensus between the Biggest parties of the Arch of Governance.
Pinto Luz reiterated that it is necessary to “increase the supply in housing”.
Discordante is the coordinator of BE, Mariana Mortáguawhich insists on the idea that this Law “invites speculation, opens the door to corruption And to all kinds of businesses and does not solve the price or the problem of housing in Portugal ”.
“Still, the result of parliamentary appreciation, [a lei] It will leave the Assembly of the Republic better than it entered, ”acknowledged Mariana Mortágua, noting that there were“ important setbacks, namely in the price that can be practiced in these dwellings ”and in the validity of the law, which is limited to four years.
The global final vote is scheduled for this Friday.
“Having economic activity is not registration”
Much has been said in recent weeks of the real estate agents of deputies and rulers and eventual conflicts of interest.
Rui Rochawhich considers “this” law of useless soils, came out in defense of those who have economic activity and are in politics at the same time.
The IL leader lemonou that, “in Portugal, Having a life out of politics is not registrationand having economic activity, whatever it may be, but also in the real estate area, is not registration. ”
Rui Rocha accused the arrival and left block of making “witch hunt” to politicians eventually with real estate activity.
“There are parties, namely the arrival and the Left Block, which at this moment make a horse of battle to find deputies, rulers, whoever, that may have some activity or connection to companies or the real estate sector,” he said.
IL deputies out ‘
“I confess that I did not ask any, because it seems absolutely irrelevant to me. There is no problem, in general, that people have economic activity, including real estate activity. But it seems that this witch hunt already made a ricochet in the case of arrival”He noted.
In his statements, the president of IL also criticized the changes agreed between PSD, PS and arrives, in the specialty, in the so -called soil law, maintaining that future legislation will not resolve “the crisis of supply in the housing market”.
“This discussion has been completely falsified. First, we are not even talking about any soil law, but changes to the legal regime of territory management instruments, ”he said.
“In the specialty phase, there has been a set of changes that results from a Alignment between PS, PSD and also arrives in the sense of what was already very insufficient to be now absolutely useless. It is the introduction of elements that give greater rigidity, which will make the new law absolutely useless, ”he added.