The President () said on Wednesday (26) that he has already defined who will replace (PT) at the Secretariat of Institutional Relations (SRI), but still needs to communicate the new chosen. The Ministry is responsible for the executive’s political articulation with the legislature.
The president began the ministerial reform the day before,.
“It’s already chosen, but I haven’t told you yet. I’ll tell you when I talk to the person first, otherwise I will indicate the person without talking,” Lula said on Wednesday.
the president complained to allies in the last days of the leaks to the press conversations about the Esplanade exchanges. According to reports, Lula stated that members of his team who are at risk of leaving office cannot discover the eventual substitution.
Lula’s statement about already having a name for SRI was given to journalists in a surprise visit to the Caixa Econômica branch located underground of Planalto Palace on Wednesday afternoon. The petista went to the scene to accompany the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana (PT), and a student beneficiary of the Federal Government Program.
The president was also questioned by journalists if any announcements about who will replace Padilha will be made before Carnival. He replied, “Let’s have patience, everything will happen at the right time.”
SRI is one of the four palace ministries and the portfolio responsible for the political articulation. The government’s relationship with Congress in the first two years of Lula management was marked by instability and friction, especially in complaints to Padilha’s performance.
Former mayor Arthur Lira (PP-AL), for example, broke with Padilha and made public criticism of the then minister in 2024, calling him “incompetent” and his “personal disaffection.”
Today, among the most quoted to head to SRI is the president of the PT, (PR), although her entry into the Planalto Palace is pointed by allies of the petista as noisy in the face of the parliamentary confrontation profile.
Also remembered the government leaders in the House, José Guimarães (PT-CE), and no, (PT-BA). Wagner himself, however, said to government members at least twice this week that he believes a deputy should occupy the position, precisely by the difficulties of the executive with the House.
Guimarães has the sympathy of Centrão leaders, being one of the closest petistas of members of the group.
Nevertheless, there are also between Lula’s allies who point out the need for a parliamentary name of the center to head to SRI, repeating formula already adopted by the petista in other terms. The House summit defends the name of Isnaldo Bulhões Jr. (MDB-AL), party leader in the house and considered the right arm in the president (Republicans-PB).
The name of Minister Silvio Costa Filho (Ports and Airports), a licensed federal deputy from Republicans, is also an option.
Rumors about ministerial reform have been dragging on for months and were intensified by the dissemination of research that showed a drop in the executive’s popularity.
Until this Tuesday, Lula only had (Secretariat of Social Communication) of the Presidency in place of Paulo Pimenta (PT-RS).
Members of the president’s surroundings say that the changes will begin with petistas and with the ministers of Lula’s so -called personal quota. With exchanges on the Esplanada, the government also seeks to ensure political support in the Legislature – which aims to a possible campaign to reelection in 2026. Lula himself signaled that it is necessary to know which parties that have seat on the Esplanade will continue to support the project in the future,
The petista also intends to include in the conversations the presidents of the House and Senate, (Brazil-AP Union), in the negotiations of the reform. He should also look for leaders and presidents of the allied base parties.