Governor of Brasilia is the subject of omission on the day of the attacks the headquarters of the three powers
The (Attorney General’s Office) defended the filing of the investigation against the governor of the Federal District, (MDB), due to the extremist acts of 8 January 2023.
The document of the Attorney’s Office was presented to (Supreme Federal Court) on Wednesday (26.FEV.2025) and will be analyzed by the rapporteur of the case, Minister Alexandre de Moraes. He will be responsible for deciding whether the investigation can be filed. The information is from .
Moraes arrived Ibaneis Rocha from the position of Governor of DF for 90 days during investigations on January 8.
In the document sent to the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, Paulo Gonet, said that Ibaneis voluntarily introduced himself to the headquarters of the PF (Federal Police) and delivered 2 cell phones. He stated that the investigations found documents on the governor’s computers that repudiated the acts of January 8.
Gonet stated that Ibaneis Rocha made 36 telephone calls to authorities, seeking to take action on the invasion of the Três Powers Square.
“Exhausted viable steps and without other suitable investigative line, based on the elements of information produced so far, the reported facts do not reveal just cause capable of authorizing the continuation of criminal prosecution against Ibaneis Rocha Barros Júnior ”disse Gonet.
According to the PGR, the investigators pointed out there was no evidence that data were deleted from cell phones from Ibaneis Rocha. Concluded that the governor did not try “Change planning, undo orders from security forces authorities, omit information to higher authorities of the federal government or even prevent the repression of the protesters’ advancement during acts of vandalism and invasion”.
In October 2024, a report sent by the PF to the STF that there was flaws “evident”From the Secretariat of in confronting the extremist acts of January 8.
According to the corporation, such flaws were mainly entailed by the “unexpected absence from his main leader, Anderson Torres”. At the time, Torres was the Secretary of Public Security of the DF and had traveled to Orlando, in the United States. Returned on January 14.
The PF also stated that the absence of articulation and the restricted diffusion of data contained in an intelligence report were factors “decisive”, Which compromised the prevention of the authorities as to the size of the acts. This resulted in a response “inefficient”Of security forces.
On February 1, the inquiry against Anderson Torres was by the MPF (Federal Public Prosecution Service). The inquiry was also investigating other authorities, including Ibaneis Rocha.
The investigation concluded that there was no intention in the conduct of former Security Secretary of the Federal District. The document says that although there is a “Intelligence service failure”, It is not possible to prove the relationship of towers in facilitating the acts.