PP is close to landing the government, says Ciro Nogueira – 27/02/2025 – Power

by Andrea

President of the Senator (PI) states that the new minister of Secom, “is ending” with the president () when putting it for. For him, the exhibition does not help a government with – and, to improve, the petista would need to reinvent himself, which he sees as unlikely.

In opposition, even, André Fufuca, as Sport Minister, the senator threatens to disembark from the government, pulling the line of other parties of the centrão. However, it claims to prefer to give “governability” to the petista and make a “transition” to the next president – they are counting on a right -wing name.

“If the government does not have a radical change now, directions to the country, there is no way Sheet the former head of the Civil House of ().

Mauro Cid’s as part of the core that defended the result of the elections. Mr. Did you know the others?
I was one of the people who argued to respect popular will and I convinced the president to. I find it impossible for such a present minister in the day to day of the president not to see the movement of a military coup.

Cid is lying?
I don’t know. I was not proximity to ICD because I defended his resignation since I arrived at the government. He brought a lot wrong for the president. Bolsonaro was doing a live and he delivered a role [dizendo] that a. I wanted to eat his liver.

Do you think Bolsonaro can be arrested?
No. If he has a fair judgment, there is no way to arrest for it. And it would be very bad for Brazil if that happened. The people I talked about about the [afirmam que] It is a lot of achism, of denunciation and that has no proof against. He is innocent in this case.

They claim that the president dealt with a blow with them.
Why didn’t they denounce this at the time? It’s very funny they now come with that kind of thing. They had to resign or have denounced. It is the word of one against the other. And I believe more in the president’s word. And it will be absurd if Bolsonaro [do Supremo]. This is not a fair judgment.

There are also evidence that connects Bolsonaro to the jewelry…
For God’s sake, let’s turn the page. No one can handle the media anymore with this speech to try to focus on the country’s problems. I’m sorry, I won’t talk about it anymore.

The PP today has a ministry in the government; Mr. Defend the landing?
I argue that I had not even entered. It was a mistake. It is a completely outdated government, with the isolated president, unwilling to make the decisions that the country needs.

Former Mayor Arthur Lira [PP-AL] ?
If it depends on me, no. I didn’t want to, but is very close to gathering the party and making a definitive decision to disembark. I like Minister Fufuca very much, but if the government does not have a radical change of direction to the country, there is no way, there is no way, to allow party members to participate in this government.

Lula must talk to the ministry parties.
With my party he will not talk. The way President Lula wants to do this will not work. Even we did this in the past: they deliver positions to the parties, receive the votes. Today it won’t. See how many votes the fufuca brought, how many Silvinho [Costa Filho, ministro de Portos] he brought. Nothing.

Mr. Did you talk to Fufuca about his departure from the government?
Already, I said I’m being pressured. Nor do I want to be the cause of an insolvency of the government. Because, if I land today, União Brasil can come together, Marcos Pereira [presidente do Republicanos] It’s hard to be alone inside. And I don’t know if the [Gilberto] Kassab [presidente do PSD] fica.

[Mas] I don’t know if this is good for the country today, you know? I think the government has an approval floor. Because one thing is to take Dilma [Rousseff] As we took. Dilma had 7%. Lula will never reach 7%. So, I think the ideal is to give governability to the country for us to make a transition. If I were President Lula, as soon as possible, I announced that I was not a candidate and turned this page.

Bolsonaro is ineligible, but. Mr. Do you think this strategy can disturb the right?
It will not disturb. I think he has the right. It still has resources. People cannot admit that a man who is leading the polls is prevented from competing because.

I just think this is: if his candidate is Tarcisio or Mouse [Jr.]he has to choose this year, because they have to do the transition process, choose the successors, and get away [dos cargos] in April. If Bolsonaro march to be a candidate until the end, it is because he will put one of his children. And has Tereza [Cristina] also. But it’s hard, I think the natural today would be Tarcisio, Mouse or one of the two children [Flávio ou Eduardo].

What is the best name?
Jair Bolsonaro.

In the scenario without him.
Who he chooses.

But what side is he more?
He thinks he will be a candidate. He was at my house about 15 days ago, spent the afternoon talking to me. He thinks this government is over, that Lula won’t be able to do or campaign, that his popularity will fall close to Dilma. It will be very difficult for the judiciary to ban the population from choosing the candidate the vast majority wants. It is an assessment he does.

Mr. Are you considering a scenario with Lula candidate?
Lula will not lose the last election of his life and be remembered for the story for a defeat. [Fernando] Haddad is already chosen. And with this economy the way they are, the people having to declare egg in income tax…

What would be the change of key in the government to 2026?
Lula reinvent herself, and I find it difficult. His way of communicating is very wrong. Who is ending with Lula is Sidonius, his exhibition. The guy speaks 20 minutes, then a skid is what goes to the internet the most.

Bolsonaro spoke a lot too.
At the time of the campaign, Bolsonaro talking a lot on TV was bad. When I put Lula speaking, it was good for Lula. Sidonius came with this image and that is what is ending with Lula. Then put a lot of people applauding anything he does and. People got sick of this way of communicating. I learned one thing: when the government is bad, the more you talk, worse. Because people create more resistance. They think Lula, being a great leader, has the ability to convince people. They are exposing too much and this is his suicide.

X-ray | Ciro Nogueira, 56

He is national president of the PP and senator for Piauí. He was minister of the Bolsonaro government and federal deputy for four terms, from 1995 to 2011.


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