The governor of, (), reached 41% of positive assessments in his term, according to a survey conducted by Genial/Quarest and released on Thursday (26). The percentage is the same as the beginning of the Institute’s series in April 2024.
He also reached 14% of negative opinions and 34% regular. Another 11% do not know or did not want to answer.
Tarcisio is quoted as a candidate on the right to the Presidency of the Republic in 2026, as the former president (PL) is ineligible by decision of the Electoral Justice.
The genius/Quaest still affected the popularity of seven other governors across the country. The survey was conducted in person in the eight states, with voters from 16 years or older, from Wednesday (19) until Sunday (23). 1,104 to 1,482 people were interviewed in Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo.
The error margins are three percentage points for all, except for the Paulistas, where it is two points.
From the list of rulers, the largest percentage of positive considerations is (), head of the Goiano Executive, with 74%, compared to 4% of negative opinions and 17% of regular. They do not know 5%. He intends to launch himself to the presidency next year.
Next comes Ratinho Júnior (), with 65% of reviews in his favor among the Paraná, 6% contrary to him and 24% regular.
On the other side of the coin, Claudio Castro (), is the only one of the eight governors who have more negative opinions (31%) than positive (24%), still marking 35%regular. In his case, 10% do not know or did not want to answer.
The two toucans that had the popularity measured by the institute mark smaller evaluations: in, () have 32% positive opinions, compared to 26% of negatives and 37% of regular.
(PSDB), no, has 40% positive considerations, technically tied with regular, which mark 39%, and 16% of negatives.
In Minas Gerais lands, () records 41% positive ratings against 14% of negatives, plus 37% regular. There are 8% those who do not know or did not want to answer. He is also one of those listed to the Planalto Palace in 2026 between the right.
Single petista in the analysis, Jerônimo Rodrigues () records 42% positive assessments in, an increase of ten percentage points compared to the last survey, conducted in December. It also has 21% of negatives and 29% regular.
The QUEST survey is funded by Digital Investment Broker Genial Investimentos, controlled by the Genial Bank.