Diplomats of USA y Russia They have gathered this Thursday in Istanbulthe great Turkish metropolis, to negotiate the “Back to the normal operations of the two embassies of the two countries”as announced on Wednesday, by surprise, the Russian Foreign Minister, SERGUÉI LAVROV.
The identity of the officials present at this Thursday’s meeting is still unknown, held behind closed doors and in which, according to Moscowwill not talk about Ukraine. The meeting in Istanbul -the third meeting between the US and Russian administrations in a few weeks -will deal only with bilateral relations between the two countries, broken from the Russian invasion to their neighboring country, according to the Russian news agency ‘Tass’.
This meeting, however, arrives only 24 hours before the expected visit of the Ukrainian President, Volodímir Zelenskia Washingtonwhere he will meet his American counterpart, Donald Trump. This week both leaders signed an agreement – forced by Washington – in which Kiev accepted the creation of a joint fund with the US for the assignment of a 50% of the future exploitation of Rare earth In Ukraine.
Turkish mediation
“Our high -level diplomats and experts will reconsider in this meeting the systemic problems created by illegal activities From the former US administration, which created artificial obstacles for our Embassy in Washington, “Lavrov said Wednesday, which continued:” We hope that the meeting in Istanbul serves to determine how the two parties can move towards the future in a more effective and rapid way. “
From the meeting, last week, between the US Secretary of State, Marco Rubioy Lavrov in Saudi Arabia, Türkiye He has been constantly seeking to position himself as the best country to serve as a mediator between Moscow and Washington: Türkiye is the only member of the Take that he has not imposed sanctions against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine, and the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoganhe has referred multiple times to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putinlike your personal partner and friend.
“We would be happy to host and mediate between Ukraine and Russia. Türkiye is the Ideal scenario To take peace negotiations, “he said Monday, after a visit from Lavrov to Ankarathe Turkish president.
ErdoganIn addition, he was part of the group of “strong and hard leaders ” with those who liked to negotiate in his first legislature, between 2017 and 2021. That group also formed it, among others, Putinthe Chinese president, Xi Jingpingand the North Korean supreme leader, Kim Jong Un Jong U.