We are in the Pisces sign, so we dreamed more! What is the worst dream for each sign?

by Andrea
We are in the Pisces sign, so we dreamed more! What is the worst dream for each sign?

The dreaming energy of the Pisces zodiac is due to one of the two coordinating planets, namely Neptune. Neptune directly influences dreams, intuition and imagination. So, prepare both psychically and physically to dream more. Dedicate more hours of sleep and especially to have a notebook on the bedside table to write down what you dream. The Pisces season brings through dreams deep messages from the subconscious but also from the upper lands.

We spend about a third of life sleeping! No wonder that philosophers, psychologists and scientists have deepened in studies to decipher the symbolism of dreams. A dream is a sensory experience generated by the conscious mind when the body is asleep. Dreams can be realistic reflections from someone’s environment or they can be pure fantasies. Everyone dreams about 4-6 times a night, although many do not remember their dreams.

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People dream differently.
Some dream in colors, others in black and white; The dreams of some contain sounds, others are in total silence; Some dream of themselves in the midst of action while others have the perception that they are somewhere above the dreamed action, not participating in it. Some dreams come back in consciousness throughout the days and many others are totally forgotten at the opening of the eyes at dawn. If you are lucky, you can have lucid dreams that you remind you upon awakening.

Some dreams are so beautiful that you are sorry that you have woken up, while others are almost nightmares and their memory causes stress over the day.

Although we do not know precisely the exact meaning of our dreams, what is known is that the subconscious mind and the soul often leave us messages through dreams. Some are subtle and easy to miss, others clear and easy to understand.

Why is the interpretation of dreams important?
People from all cultures and religions have been interested in interpreting dreams for centuries. The Egyptians are the ones who created the first dream dictionary 4000 years ago. Today, many cultures regularly practice interpretation of dreams.

Basically, the work of interpreting dreams helps us to rediscover repressed memories and to recognize unresolved fears that live in the subconscious, so that we do not get to be controlled by them as long as we are awake. The interpretation of dreams is meant to strengthen our connection with intuition, the instrument by which we communicate with our soul. Dreams open our door to a huge tank of information about ourselves and about the world around us that we cannot access from the physical plane and in a awake state.

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Therefore, understanding a message from a bad dream leads to a great release but also to solve current life situations.

Dreams versus nightmares
In the science of dream interpretation, if you have more dreams than nightmares or vice versa has no relevance. Even the most dramatic and terrifying dream can contain a healing message for you, while a comfortable dream can come up with a warning. For example, a dream in which you die does not mean that you will die-in fact, dreams of death usually symbolize a renunciation, a detachment, a liberation or a rebirth in a certain area of ​​your life. The context in the dream or nightmare must also be seen.

Many of the dreams are related to the thoughts that run in our minds over the day and how we treat our body and other people. The more serene and responsible life we ​​live in, the more responsible, the thoughts and action, the more serene and comfortable dreams.

Regardless of the message worn, the experience of a bad dream, a nightmare, is difficult to forget or overlooked.

But no matter how unpleasant it is a dream, however, it is just a dream, the fruit of the mind, being close to what happened over the day, the sleep conditions, why you spoke, you ate, you did or looked before bed or why unresolved problems. There are many beneficial techniques to practice to have a quiet night and a deep restful sleep.

Read the continuation on the advice of the people. Ro.

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