This is one of the conclusions of a study from the Faculty of Economics of Porto. The last number indicate that Portugal live over one million foreigners, but only 34,000 are census.
By 2023, foreigners in Portugal would be close to one million. They represented 10% of the national population, but of these only 0.3% were census. If participation in the vote were more expressive could eventually alter party formation in Parliament.
“The 0.3 could elect up to 23 deputies. Now, if it elects 23 deputies this means that people will vote for parties that are most aligned with their purposes and therefore change, at least in relative terms. The weight of parties that are more populist, ”says Oscar Afonso, director of the Faculty of Economics of Porto
The party affiliation of immigrants is, for now, residual and, from the perspective of the study, participation in national policy should be more promoted. The study of the Porto Faculty of Economics also explains what would change in the national economy without the collaboration of immigrants.
The contribution of this community has a direct impact on the national and social and demographic growth of the country.