You will never see ants and cockroaches again in your house: “This toothpaste trick is a miracle”

by Andrea

Having crawling insects at home is no pleasure. How do you get rid of these uninvited guests?

Spring is almost here! And with him comes a lot of “awake” insects. We are mainly talking about ants looking for refuge in your apartment and a regular food supply. “The boundaries of your privacy will be easily crossed – various cracks in walls, windows or doors. They are practically elusive, ”admits the expert.

The video author, Natural Health Remedies will show you how to use toothpaste to fight cockroaches. More on the channel

Source: YouTube

Do you have cockroaches at home?

Likewise, there has been an increase in households that are troubled by cockroaches. Are you wondering how such insects can appear in a clean apartment? You will be surprised, but quite easy. These unsightly bugs can be brought in a holiday trunk, but they can also get to you by risers or a messy neighbor from the apartment. And so the key question is how can you get rid of this “vermin”?

Resistant insects

There are plenty of insect products on the market. Some of them work, but only for a while. Unfortunately, it often happens that resistant cockroaches and ants get used to the product and remain resistant to it. A new, home preparation appeared on the Internet and works quite well according to readers’ feedback. Its key to success is a sweet taste that attracts insects to consume and the second component of the bait will kill it. How can you make this miracle yourself at home?

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Chirping of balls around the apartment

All you need is the ingredients that you almost certainly have at home. Mix 3 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of toothpaste and 3 tablespoons of water. Mix the mixture well to create a thick, sticky mass. Then shape the small balls of the hazelnut size. Place the bait in places where the insects are clustered. Most often it is behind the fridge, under the sink in the kitchen, in the pantry or in the corners of the room. And then? There is nothing to do but wait…

Fatal combination

Cockroaches and ants attract the sweet scent of bait quite quickly. And soon after they eat a “deadly ball”, they die. The paste disrupts the digestive system of insects and acts as a successful killer. Use the same bait two to three times a week until uninvited guests completely. “This bait is cheap and does not contain aggressive chemical components, so you can also use it in places where there is food – for example in the kitchen or pantry. In addition, you can find the necessary raw materials at any time at home, so you can kiss the bait almost anytime, anywhere!


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