Lindbergh triggers PGR against Eduardo Bolsonaro – 27/02/2025 – Panel

by Andrea

PT leader in the House, Lindbergh Farias (RJ), and the party bench came with representation with the PGR (Attorney General’s Office) against the deputy (PL-SP), son 03 (PL), for crimes against the sovereignty committed by the parliamentary in his journey.

The document calls for a criminal investigation to be established to investigate, in theory, crimes that would have been committed by the federal deputy and could lead to a complaint in the Supreme Court (STF). It also requests the seizure of Eduardo Bolsonaro’s passport, so that this end the “unlawful conduct ongoing”.

In the representation, the petista bench argues that Eduardo “in total dissention with reality, paying against national interests, sponsor, in foreign state, retaliation against his own country and also against one of the members of the Federal Supreme Court.”

In recent weeks, the federal deputy has been with deputies and senators of the United States, as well as members of the State Department, to talk about the performance of the minister,.

The initiative seeks to obtain some sanction against the STF minister and relieve the accusations that the former president faces, especially after Bolsonaro was reported by PGR for leading one.

Lindbergh and the petist deputies claim that Bolsonaro’s son 03 “constitutes a true attempt to embarrass not only a member of one of the Powers of the Republic, but the national judiciary itself that will appreciate, if applicable, the criminal actions surrounding the father of the represented and his scammer surroundings.”

They also cite the objective of causing embarrassment to ongoing investigation in the Supreme Court, both in surveys and in relation to the possible future criminal action on “attempted coup, attempted violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law, criminal organization, etc.”

The representation states that Eduardo’s actions are producing negative fruits for Brazil and for the country’s institutions and authorities.

“They are permanent criminal conduct of the represented, who demand an efficient performance of the authorities of the Republic, especially from the Attorney General’s Office, to ensure, more vehemently, on the one hand, that the actions of the Federal Deputy do not have any resonance in his unaware followers and, on the other, to cease the vain attempts to disseminate hate and violence, now against a minister of the Supreme Court.” The text.

The document also mentions that the federal deputy is accompanied by TV presenter Paulo Figueiredo and asks his pre -trial detention to be decreed, “insofar as he is illicitly to interfere in the very process of future criminal action, embarrassing and creating embarrassment to the action of the natural judges of the feat.”

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